
Thursday, March 9, 2017


click on photo to enlarge

During the week I take the boys to school early for weight lifting and on Wednesday they practice running routes for football. Well yesterday I get a call not too long after dropping them off. It's Dalton, "Mom don't worry but I think I dislocated or broke my thumb." I tell him to go to the nurse and let her look at it thinking he probably just jammed it. Another call a few minutes later that she wants him to go to the dr's. So I drive on over and pick him up and we head over to Express Family Care. They take x-rays and sure enough, it's broken. They set it in a temporary cast and now we wait for ortho to call for a sturdier cast. The Dr. was able to set it pretty straight and showed us another x-ray that looked so much better than when we came in!

Today I am thankful that it was nothing more serious and this is the first broken bone any of my kids have had! I am also thankful that the Dr. who was working there yesterday was also an ER Dr. and was pretty experienced in these types of things! Also thankful for the nice day (even if half of it was spent at the Dr's and the reason behind that) spent with Dalton. It's not often I get one on one time with any of them so I take it when I can get it! We ran over to Subway and picked up lunch afterwards then rented Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children which was pretty good!

Linking with Michelle's Thankful Thursday


  1. If it wasn't for a broken bone, it sounds like a pretty good day. I hope Dalton's thumb is better soon!

  2. Such a brave young man to reassure you first. Glad Dalton received good care and that you two had some good one on one. May he heal swiftly! blessings ~ tanna

  3. Actually, you really did have a good day, despite your son's injury. You message includes many "thanks;" that's a pretty terrific attitude!

  4. You've had a good run Tanya, it's good to start off with something small 😀 only kidding 😊

  5. Glad that things worked out but it's hard to believe that with two boys you haven't had a plethora of broken bones over the years. Consider yourself lucky!

  6. Ooops! I also meant to compliment you on the excellent way you composed this photo! Very professional.

  7. A lot to be grateful for...and you illustrated that beautifully here.

  8. Oh my goodness. I'm happy it was an 'easy' fix. Could have been much worse. That movie was so cute!!

  9. Boys being boys, I am surprised that this is the first broken bone. How great that it is just a small one!! I had no idea that thumbs needed casting. I am hoping it is not his dominant hand! Everything worked out so well, and now you may have some extra one on one time with him!!

  10. Hello, ouch. I am sure it hurt when it happened. I am glad for the easy fix. Enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

  11. I like your attitude. Take a negative and look for the goodness in it. Way to go, Tanya.

  12. Glad to hear it wasn't anything more serious, though that is a drag for him! Thanks for linking up today and have a great weekend!

  13. Hope the broken thumb is not serious and heals quickly. Poor lad must have had considerable pain.

  14. I like your positive outlook . . .

  15. The photo is so bright and beautiful!
    Get well soon for Dalton

  16. I am glad it was nothing worse than a broken thumb...I hope it heals soon!


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