
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Waiting On A Woman

click on photo to enlarge

Washington DC

Nick was in the hotel getting us checked in while the boys and I waited out in our car and we saw all this commotion...Fancy cars with tinted windows coming and going...we thought some sort of royalty was here! Turns out it was a wedding. All the guests were so colorfully dressed. It was pretty neat!

Today I am thankful for family...well everyday I am thankful for my family but today they are really on my mind. There's a little tension in the house right now with my oldest and my husband but it will work out when tempers settle. It's hard being an adult child trying to figure out where you fit in and what is expected from you when you have moved back in with your parents temporarily. As some might remember, she graduated from college last May and is living with us again until she finds a permanent job that utilizes her major, hopefully...she's anxious to get out and on with her life! I love having her here but I know she has to spread those wings!

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday


  1. ...and I'm thankful that this stage of life is behind me.

  2. You've just got to be patient and love them anyway! Hard to do but you've the right outlook, Tanya!
    Happy Thursday!

  3. Hello, I have been there with my son and hubby. It was not an easy time, thankfully all is better now. I guess it is a stage in life that we all learn and grow. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  4. Ah, we have all been there! It will work out eventually. Nice that you got to see the arrival of the wedding party! And what a treat to live relatively close to DC.

  5. I thought they were waiting on some dignitary or royalty, too. What a great shot! A glimpse of the fashion at an Indian wedding! It is so hard for everyone when an adult child needs to live at home. You cannot boss them around anymore, but after all, they ARE living in your house. They are now their own person, and likely want their own place so bad!

  6. Weddings are special events indicating the formation of a new family. Hope things setting down in your family.

  7. Soon it will just a memory. It will work out because it always does. We went through this with our daughter years ago, there was some tension too but it did work itself out.

  8. This too will pass, that's what has been said to me and I have said to others so many times in my life. Wishing you all peaceful solutions, and that your daughter gets a job she enjoys. The wedding must have been lovely to see.

  9. I would guess this photo is showing a wedding party? Adult children can be a challenge, but be patient! Thanks for linking up today.

  10. Looks like an Indian wedding. Their festivals are always so beautiful and colorful. I know what you and your daughter are going through...but if there is love it will work out for all of you.

  11. Indian weddings are great eye candy! Hang in there with your daughter; it's tough to be so young and at this stage in life, but wouldn't it be fun to do over again (at least sometimes it feels that way!).

  12. How awesome to see this little moment in these people's wedding day! Sorry about the tension...we had a few of those when our daughter was a young woman. It will pass.

  13. There is too much love in your family for this to be more than one little blip.


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