
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Keep On The Sunny Side

click on photo to enlarge

502 Mountain Avenue SW . Roanoke . 24016

This cute little market has been in business since 1929! We were just driving by when the sign caught my eye and I snapped a quick photo from the truck window. Getting this post ready I read that the owner just passed away last year and they were worried the store would close...a Go Fund Me page was started and money was collected and now the store has been able to remain open! I learned all that from THIS news happy to hear it won't be closing.

Linking up with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures


  1. Too many of these types of stores have had to close so it's good this will remain to serve all of those who patronized it over the years.

  2. Classic sign and it's great it will stay open. It's amazing what you can find, photograph and learn just by pressing a button riding in a truck through town.
    A nice capture, Tanya.

  3. This place was much beloved by the community! Sad that this was the son, so there is no one left to leave the place to. Not Sunny anymore..

  4. Nice to hear that people really care in this community!

  5. is becoming harder and harder to run a small business today. Thanks Tanya for stopping by today, I hope to see you back again.

  6. Glad folks stepped up to save it.

  7. Sad news about the owner, but good news that the store can remain open!

  8. I like the name of the market :) it's positive.

  9. I hope Sunnyside market's business will remain sunny and bright!

  10. We used to have two little local stores...still miss them.

  11. Very nice! And good, that is apen again.
    Tomorrow I will be back at Willy Nilly.
    Enjoy your day


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)