
Thursday, May 4, 2017

Lawnmower Man

click on photo to enlarge
Just a random man out doing yard work in Roanoke...

...something I just can't find the time for lately! That's the weird thing about school winding down for summer, schedules pick up...Just can't seem to find the time for anything lately with all the extra running around I am I am thankful for the fact that there are only 13 more school days until summer break! That little tidbit of information keeps me going! Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday :)
Have a great day!


  1. All the rain we have had is making the grass (and weeds) grow so fast!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. ...I just finished mowing.

  3. Fun photo ~ the 'sacred in the ordinary' ~ thanks,

    Happy Day to you ~ ^_^

  4. Really? Only 13 days? Yes, it is hard for Phil to find time for yard work. And he is retired! Do you have a riding mower? How much yard do you have? Our yard is not quite big enough for one, but maybe one day...

  5. Before you have children you are never told that they will take up 99.9% of your time for many years and you will never, ever get rid of them or their needs and wants. :)

  6. Whoever this person is mowing, he has some great grass with the clover that is in it.
    No you don't have time. I remember those days and I now miss them.
    Children don't keep and you are taking care of the most important things first and that is your children.
    I am having a hard time with rain keeping ours mowed. I am more worried about copperheads as there have been quite a few bites from them to children and pets.
    Be careful pulling weeds and mow real low is what I heard.

  7. You'll be out there doing yard work in no time! heehee! Enjoy your week! Hugs, Diane

  8. Okay, you have reminded me that I need to go mow my lawn. Perhaps tomorrow.

  9. Only thirteen days? We always went into mid-June.

    1. we did too william when i was in school and then didn't return until the tuesday after labor day...labor day here is the first monday in many schools here in the US are trying to get on this dumb year round we get our towards the end of may but have to return the first part of august...don't even get me started!!

  10. Whew....we are on the countdown at work. 7 more days of actual school with the students. I will be glad for a slow down. Softball will continue, but at least I can sleep an hour later! lol! Thanks for linking up this week!

  11. I can remember being so glad for school to end!


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