
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Pettus Buggy

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Finally getting around to showing you more on The Homestead! The Homestead offers daily history tours, free of charge. During our tour I learned the the maitre d, Woody Pettus, is a 5th generation employee and this buggy had been driven by his grandfather and great grandfather. It was once used to bring guests up to the hotel...we didn't get a chance to meet Woody but I just read he recently celebrated 50 years of service!
This is the room where the buggy is...on the tour we were told that this was once a garden, not an enclosed part of the hotel. Where I am standing was once an old fountain. We were also told if you can find old hotel dishes with the fountain on it that they are worth some money! That reminded me of an old glass I found at an antique store when we lived in Georgia. It was from the Biltmore Estate but had Biltmore Dairy on it...I listed it on Ebay (a hobby of mine back then) not knowing much about it and was surprised that my $1.50 investment earned me $70!...ok, back to The Homestead....

This was our tour guide...sadly I can't remember his name but he was so interesting and funny! He gets an A+ for his tour skills!

I tried to find out more history on the buggy and the Pettus family and couldn't find anything...I did find a small story about a picture of Walter Pettus driving a sleigh in the snow in 1931 but couldn't find the picture online...darn it! Here is some interesting history though Right Here and I did find an interesting blog post with pictures and a brief history Right Here

I'm linking up with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures


  1. ...that buggy, actually it may be a surrey with fringe on top, was a classy ride back in its day. Thanks Tanya for stopping by, please come again.

  2. The name, "Pettus," is familiar to me from the bridge in Selma, Ala. I wonder if there's any connection. Looks like a fun place to visit and I appreciate your photos.

  3. So romantic! What a great place to visit!

  4. Love the buggy and the wonderful history of this place.

  5. I imagine to ride this buggy... simple beautiful and a great place.

  6. The first picture looks so much like Louis Ginter, I thought you were there. I adore the double staircase! His buggy is in really good shape. So he still works there?

  7. Great photos. This looks like a fascinating place to tour.

  8. Sounds like a great tour with an interesting tour guide. I love that buggy, it's a beauty.

  9. What a beautiful place! I do like that old buggy.

  10. Lovely old buggy and so nicely displayed!


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