
Friday, July 21, 2017

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 136

click on photos to enlarge

The 4th of July was Christian's 20th Birthday! We didn't have a party or anything really...just caught him as he was grabbing stuff to head out the door again so this was our little impromptu celebration!

This pretty girl was visiting our backyard frequently this summer...haven't seen her in a while but recently I did see a mama deer with triplets just down the cute!

Some new sculptures were installed in Elmwood Park in Roanoke recently...I've been meaning to go over there and get some pictures of them...on the day I took this we were just running through quickly trying to get to a festival...

Awww can you stand the cuteness?! Taken at a festival downtown...

Alf sighting! Did you used to watch that show back in the 80's? We did, every week haha...we were easily entertained back then that's for sure ;)

That's my 5 this week friends and I hope you will play along too! Post 5 randoms, link back and visit others! Have fun and have a great weekend!

I'm linking up with Mascha and Five on Friday


  1. Fun times!
    \Have a great week-end!

  2. ...what a goofy bunch of guys.

  3. #4....I have to say it's my favorite today.
    And, impromptu celebrations are the best!!!

    1. PS....for years I used to have a stuffed ALF. Finally donated it to goodwill this year.

  4. Alf!!! Who Knew?
    That sculpture looks fanciful.
    What a graceful visitor.
    20????!!! Wow.

  5. Definite cuteness with the little pony and the baby.

  6. YAY!!!! The linky was there when I opened your post!!!! I was able to join in this time! Wow...triplet sweet. Love the ponies. And your son looks like a happy guy, turning twenty! Happy Birthday!

    1. Today I cannot see the linky, but seems, it's not so important, you could link by yourself...

  7. Colorful sculpture and adorable animals... an improved mini-party can be the best...
    Will try to be back next week with Five, but in summertime I'm living more outdoor than virtual.
    Have a great weekend

  8. Cute wee ponies and the deer looks so sweet! Happy b'day to your son!
    Have a fun weekend!

  9. Happy birthday to your son! Turning 20 is huge! The horses are beautiful and beyond adorable. The sculpture looks like just a bunch of things thrown together, but I am sure there is an interpretation of some kind. Seeing deer is always exciting! Hope you have an awesome weekend!

  10. Great photos! Love the Alf photo, just can't beat the 80s I think :)

  11. Hi there Tanya! Thanks for the compliment and all your sweet comments! I love coming here to see your pictures as well and see what you have for us new. Always something interesting! How neat you have deer come in so close right to your house! I would pass out to see a deer here, ha ha LOL and those ponies are just adorable, were they there for pony rides?

  12. Oh!--I've missed some posts! I love the chandelier pictures, very good! And I love all the ones of the old red brick buildings and the churches, the old red brick ones are just fascinating to look at....what is the one with the broken windows, and old factory or warehouse or something? did the move go..hopefully all finished by now and I cant wait to see her neighborhood, sounds very interesting and the type building she moved into........always THE BEST IN MY OPINION! so much CHARACTER!!

  13. Happy birthday to your son! He is cool and looks happy!
    Love the deep looking quiet. Thank you for hosting.

  14. I love this time of year, getting to see all of the young animals!

    Thanks for joining in once again with Five on Friday, We hope you have an amazing week :)


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