
Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Pet Place

click on photo to enlarge

The Pet Place . 850 Roanoke Road . Daleville

I drive by this place daily. Our high school is just down the road and I grocery shop at the Kroger across the street. Our first house when we moved here was right down the gravel road next to the cemetery over there...I stopped here on Sunday to hide one of my painted rocks for a friend who works here to find. They always have such clever signs!

Today I am thankful for good people. Good people that come out of the woodwork in a tragedy, like Houston. I've been watching so many videos and newsclips of good people rescuing animals and those in trouble. People lined up on the freeway with their trucks hauling boats coming in to help out. Many nurses and firefighters from our area have left to go help out. Local businesses like Jack Browns, a burger/beer joint, are donating all profits from all 6 locations to the Red Cross Hurricane Relief Fund...just so much good happening in light of these horrific events...for a list of ways you can help CLICK HERE

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday & Signs, Signs


  1. It's always so heartening to see people come together in a crisis like this Tanya, it restores our faith in the goodness of people!

  2. Hello, It is great seeing all the heroes and good people helping out in Texas. The painted rocks are becoming popular everywhere, last winter we found some in Florida. Prayers for Texas! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. A nice sign. One of my good friends who lives in Houston had been rescuing people with his big truck until the water got too high. Fortunately he and his wife haven't been flooded so far.

  4. Disasters do tend to bring out the best in, well, most people. Texans are showing that well.

  5. Well, we each cannot do the same thing as a different person. So we do what we can. Your rock thing is wonderful! I think it is so great to be able to cheer someone up. And that is no small thing to me. FLEAS! I am glad our cat never goes out!

  6. We have the rock thing going on in my small town. Great fun and great vibes being sent out with those rocks. Thanks for linking up today and I hope you have a great holiday weekend!

  7. It's always wonderful to see people caring and sharing! Love your post! Hugs!

  8. OH what a cute flea sign!! ha ha LOL and so true. We keep our dogs on the monthly pill and just like magic---no more fleas. Works like a charm and I try not to think about (and pray for no) side effects. They sleep with us....we CANNOT HAVE FLEAS plain and simple. How many dogs do y'all have? We have the two big ones. Yes, it's wonderful to see AMERICANS HELPING AMERICANS--that is what our great country is about, helping each other and sticking together. All that hate needs to be STOPPED. Well, I'm a few posts behind here, so going to go read and see what all you've been up to....looks like you're doing the rock thing? Are you freelancing or doing the website thing?

  9. Greetings from the UK. Sorry for any suffering. Saints and Angels come out of the closet in times of disaster.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  10. Fleas Suck! That's such a cute sign...well not so cute for the pets! :-) Yes, thee is a LOT to be thankful for, and a lot of good in people. Such a nice post. We need the good with so much bad that is around us now. BTW I wanted to tell you that the only way I could attach to Willy Nilly these last weeks has been because you have been connecting to FAST. If I clicked on your post on his list it would let me use your linky. If I try to connect directly it won't let me. When you aren't on FAST, I have been able to do it through Mom's post on Willy Nilly...well this week I am "screwed" :-) You didn't post on FAST and Mom didn't post on Willy Nilly! So, I can't access the linky this time. I hate it when I can't! One of those weird computer annoyances, that's for sure!

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