
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Dog Days

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At the Roanoke Go Outside Festival

Last weekend we attended the Go Outside Festival in Roanoke. I don't think we've missed a year since it has started and each year it just gets better and better...people are allowed to bring their dogs so that's a bonus for me! In the picture above you can see everyone watching a guy do tricks on his bike but me? I'm watching the dogs :)

Unfortunately we don't bring our Ozzy to this as I think the crowds would make him nervous...he doesn't like strangers coming up to him so we keep him safe at home...Today I am thankful for my quiet mornings with my sweet Ozzy...after we get everyone fed and out the door, we have some time in the morning to hang out before I take fact right now he's sitting beside me napping as I get this post ready :)

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday


  1. Hello, the festival sounds like fun. I would be watching/greeting the dogs too. I am glad Ozzy got in some love me time too. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. I love festivals of all kinds!
    We tried taking our dog with us when she was younger, but she did not like strange places, so now she stays home. And we spoil her beyond measure.

  3. Great festival and it seems those kids and their dogs are really enjoying themselves!

  4. Very nice festival to attend. I understand your love of quiet mornings at home with Ozzy. The peacefulness of my mornings is something I am so happy to have now!

  5. ...crowds can make me nervous too!

  6. Ozzy knows where things are just right.

  7. I think it was a very good decision to not bring him. Many dogs just like to hang out quietly with their human. Looks like such a fun festival!

  8. The festival does sound like fun. Ozzy knows that quiet time at home is the best. It is my favorite thing! lol Thanks for linking up today and I hope you have a GREAT weekend!

  9. that looks like fun! We like outdoor fairs and festivals too. But when we are out, I, like you, only seem to have eyes for the dogs! LOL Must be a dog lovers trait, ha ha They just come up to me, even when I haven't spoken to them yet (which I usually do)....I think dogs just sense when a person is a dog lover, they really do


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