
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Shoe Store

click on photo to enlarge

109 Campbell Ave SW . Roanoke

This cool sign belongs to the Bush-Flora Shoe Co. They are one of the oldest retailers in the Roanoke area celebrating over 100 years of business! The company started out in 1928 but moved to this location in 1951...although not at this location anymore, which is now for sale, they are now located in the Towers Mall. This building started out in 1910 as Vest Furniture, then has been a hardware store, women's clothing store, department store and antique store. I found THIS interesting site which shows the history of tenants plus pictures!

Today I'm thankful for the beauty around me with the changing of the season! All the trees are really starting to pop! Although our temps have been in the 80's and humid, feels more like summer, which I'm also thankful for haha...I want to get out this weekend and see some pretty fall colors :) Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday & Signs, Signs


  1. Hello, Great photo, glad the show store is still in business. The fall colors are looking beautiful now, it is a gorgeous time of the year. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. Love signs like this but hate going to malls to shop!

  3. Always encouraging to hear of a long-term business that maintains success.

  4. I remember shopping at stores like this! Nice find.

  5. I like the fact that it is a local company, and the fact they've moved to the mall. I get tired of all the national/international companies that have taken over retail. May they live long and prosper!

  6. The old shoe building is the prettiest of the three, with the beautiful molding details. Looks like all these buildings are empty.

  7. One rarely sees these independent shoe shops anymore.

  8. Coming from Tucson last winter, this is my first real Autumn color, and I am reveling in it! Yes, indeed I am thankful!

  9. All that history and they are still going in the mall, fantastic. Same weather here with the last few days turning "cold" after the warm weather. Back in the 70s tmw though.

  10. Oh gosh, I remember a time where main street was the place to shop and all those cool signs. Now gone. I'm waiting for some fall colors also...I hope seems Arkansas is a bit behind schedule. GRRRRR!

  11. Wonderful old building and sign! So glad to hear that they are still in business. Hope they keep the old sign up. x K

  12. I like this very much. We used to have an old shoe store on our town square. I miss it. Thanks for linking up today, Tanya. Have a GREAT weekend!

  13. been in business SO LONG!!--that is so cool. I love the old historic buildings and seeing pictures of them back in the "old days"

  14. I'm glad the merchant has preserved this old sign.


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