
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Train Trestle

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Stoney Battery Road . Troutville

This train trestle is HUGE! It's quite impressive as it pops into view and you drive under it!

Linking up with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures


  1. ...for the last several years they have been building a replacement trestle in this area. What a job! Thanks Tanya for stopping by, have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Yup! There one in Staunton a bit like it. Only you can't drive under that one, so this is cooler.

  3. Impressive indeed! I enjoy anything to do with trains. Perhaps because I grew up on a farm next to a railroad track.

  4. Very cool! There's a trestle here that crosses the Kentucky River and is quite impressive. It's not easy to photograph, unfortunately.


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