
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Visitor Center

click on photo to enlarge

Woodpecker Ridge . Stoney Battery Road . Troutville

This is perhaps the tiniest visitor center I have ever seen!

This has been a nice week for me and the boys...since football is over now they have had the week off for weight lifting (although that starts back up on Monday) so they have been able to ride in with me in the morning...that also means I have to get to work 15 minutes earlier which also means I actually end up being on time haha...on Tuesday I let them come home early and we stopped at Sonic for shakes and then came home and hauled out all of the Christmas decorations and started on know how much I love my time spent with them so this is what I am most thankful for this week! Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday & Signs, Signs


  1. That's funny. You couldn't get too many people in that visitor's center. Maybe it was set up for raccoons? :)

  2. One tends to think of a structure like this as a trailhead spot instead of a visitor center!

  3. Looks like the ones in out wilderness areas

  4. All it lacks is ladies and gents restrooms!
    I guess a person would have to do what the bears do - go in the woods!

  5. Hello, I would be all in for the shakes and Christmas decorating. That is odd to say it is a visitor center, more like a trail head sign. Have a happy day!

  6. That "Visitor's Center" sign certainly has a lean to the right. Perhaps the center is in that direction? This is just a billboard.

  7. What a funny picture! We have a Sonic, but I have never tried their shakes. Are they good?

  8. Sounds like some great time together and I LOVE Sonic! lol I try to stay away, though! Thanks for linking up!

  9. Got a chuckle from your "visitor center."


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