
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Old Commissary

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Remember on Friday I told you I was going to show you so much more on Tom's Tuesday's Treasures? Well I didn't lie so have a seat and let's go!

Maier Farm Road . Spec . Botetourt County

We weren't sure what this little abandoned building was at the time but doing some heavy Googling I discovered that this was the Old Commissary or Fringer General Store. Spec was a little mining town and this was the commissary for the mine workers back in the early 1900's!

I really, really loved this door knob!

Dalton giving Kaile a little help so she can look inside the window ;)

Ok, you want to have a peek inside don't you?!

These were all taken from the windows...we could have actually jumped right in but I was too chicken...

Time to go and see what's up the road! (I'll show you that next week!)

My exploring sidekicks!

Some facts and links for ya:
I found one of those "Google Books" that had some interesting info on the store, you can see that right HERE ...there's also a picture of the store with a Mr. Vassar standing in front, I think it is from the 40's/50's...funny, the boys have a friend by the last name Vassar...wonder if he is related to this man?!

I also found a good story in the Richmond Times about Spec and they interviewed a life-long resident, Mr. Bobby Falls...You can read that HERE and there are also some more pictures in the news story...not too long of a story but interesting just the same...

Linking up with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures

And in current news, school is closed for the 3rd time in a row...that makes Friday, Monday and today! I'm not complaining...we had ice yesterday and overnight so the roads were bad...before it started to ice yesterday I drove the boys to the Bedford DMV and they took the test and got their learners permits...The ladies at the DMV were so nice and the Bedford location is easy to get in and out of ....really no wait at all...all the ladies congratulated the boys on passing and said they don't like to normally get twins to come in and test because usually one will pass and the other won't which is upsetting so they were quite excited that both the boys passed!

Also, our weather will be out of the freezing range for the first time in like 2 weeks! We will be in the upper 40's which will feel like beach weather considering!

Ok, that's about all, I've caught you up now :)


  1. ...what a nice little fixer-upper! The stories this place could tell. Thanks Tanya for stopping by today, I hope that you will return with another treasure.

  2. I love the building!!! Congrats to your boys too!

  3. A lovely old building. I liked the peek inside the window. Very interesting some of those stories. Your sidekicks remind me of the history detectives on PBS. Excellent adventures to you and your gang, Tanya.

  4. I think it would need a lot of work to restore, but there's potential there.

  5. Thanks for the peek inside from the window. Very interesting place. If only it can be restored to its former glory.

  6. I'm glad we got to peek inside! That is a neat old building. I would love to see it restored but it would probably cost a fortune.

  7. The company other words, the company owns everything including its employees soul and the store becomes important for it's the only way the workers can survive but the products are over priced and thus the workers are kept in an indentured status. Or maybe I'm wrong and this company really cared about its workers. Hmmm...

  8. I love photographing abandon buildings. I have gone inside some of them but I also feel nervous about doing so.

  9. Congratulations to the twins on passing their tests! I love that you have adventuresome sidekicks on your explorations! You know I love the old buildings... wish they could all be "saved". blessings ~ tanna

  10. Oh, my, I would love to see this...and would love to hear the stories that have been told in that place. It looks like s substantial building.

  11. What a neat little piece of history. It too would've been too chicken to pop in there.....
    Congrats to the boys on their learners permit. Buckle up mama!!!


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