
Thursday, January 30, 2020

Signs 2 - Welcome to Bonsack

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Bonsack . Roanoke County . 460

Bonsack is a tiny village along 460 in Roanoke County...a couple of years ago I was working the polls with an older woman who grew up here and told me so many fascinating stories about Bonsack and its early inhabitants. Up until then I had never given Bonsack much thought and was always a little bit curious why such a cute sign for such a small slice of Roanoke but after learning so much from this woman I now understand and this little village definitely deserves to be protected historically!

Found this on Wikipedia:
"It was named "Bonsack" after the family donated the land for a depot and track for the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, which was constructed in 1852. Two blanket factories were located in in Bonsack during the Civil War. Legend has it that one blanket factory was burned to the ground by the Yankees."

I found THIS interesting story about preserving Bonsack and it dates back to 2007 so hopefully the development that is mentioned in the article is nothing to worry about anymore.
Linking with Tom's Signs 2

Today I am thankful for Braden's continued progress...he's down to one crutch and now putting his own shoes and socks on...he's getting more of his independence back and I'm sure he's thankful for that as well....I know it is hard to constantly need help for every little thing!
Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday


  1. Hello, It is a pretty sign for the town. I am happy to read that Braden is recovering well. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. amazing the story that can be learned. Thanks Tanya for stopping by!

  4. It´s always great to learn history from the people who live in the place and are proud of it, too! Cute sign.

  5. I love learning the history of these small towns and why they are where they are.

  6. Hurray about Braden! Young people do heal so fast. I thought I knew most of the places around here, but I have never heard of Bonsack. Have you been there?

    1. It's very small and if you drive through it you wouldn't even notice's about 10 minutes from my house so I'm in the area quite often! I work part time over at the Lowe's in Bonsack!

  7. Love reading about the fascinating history of Bonsack. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Glad for Braden. Nothing like being stuck and not able to take care of yourself. Thanks for linking up and y'all have a great weekend!

  9. Beautiful sky in that photo as well! Glad to hear Braden is able to do more on his own.

  10. That was an interesting link Tanya, I do hope Deedie is able to hold on to her land and that the development next door doesn't get approval. Good news about Braden, young people heal so well ✨

  11. What a sweet little town. Yay for continued healing!


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