
Friday, June 3, 2022

SkyWatch Friday - Jefferson’s Garden


Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello . Charlottesville 

Last fall my best friend and her husband came out to visit from California…we were so excited to show them around our beautiful Virginia! Believe it or not this was our first time to tour Monticello! It had been on our list since moving here…we have toured Jefferson’s other home, Poplar Forest which I’ve shown you way back! 

I have a back log of photos since I’ve been a super bad blogger over the past couple of years…I’m trying lol

If you want a proper tour of the gardens from the comfort of your own home Click Here

To see skies from all over the world visit SkyWatch Friday


  1. We've been there once. It looks like you had a beautiful day for it!

  2. A dramatic sky over this lovely garden.

  3. ...a beautifully framed view!

  4. Your conception of what Thomas Jefferson may have viewed in his lifetime was totally awesome. I have been there and admired his clock, the thought of having workers protected from the cold and the heat, the way to serve food from basement to upstairs, another bed in his room, it goes on and on with the ideas he had. So glad his books were donated to start a library. If only the walls could speak! Thank you for this wonderful frame you posted this week.

  5. I've been to Monticello three times over the years, the last time being in April of 2019. I was able to see the garden and I have two plants I purchased there in my New York State flower gardens.


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