
Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Yesterday we went to the lake only to find it packed! We've never seen it so crowded so we stayed an hour or two and let the kids swim then came home.
We grilled steaks, had baked potatoes, corn on the cob and watermelon. To me, watermelon says "summer time"!
Don't forget to take a moment today to honor those who sacrificed all.
(Braden is on the left, Christian center and Dalton on the right)


  1. Wow three handsome boys but that must be a lot of work!

    Watermelon means summer to me too. Thank you for visiting my blog.

  2. Nice. This is something you will never see in my little town. I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day.

  3. Quand ils mangent, ils ne plaisantent pas ;o) on voit bien qu'ils aiment ça. Moi aussi, quand il fait chaud, un bon melon ou une pastèque Hummmm.

    When they eat, they do not joke ;o) we can see they love it. Me too, when it is hot, a good melon or watermelon hummm

  4. You gave me a good laugh, I remember those days. Running around with no shoes and parents yelling. Getting watermelon all over me then jumping in the pool to clean off.

  5. What a fun photo! That put a smile on "Louis's" face!

    "Louis's" Memorial Day post highlights four Admirals.

  6. Summer time is Watermelon time.
    Great photo of your family.

  7. Watermelon is definitely summer! I don't know why, but it's going to be really hard to go back to the school routine tomorrow. It really feels like it should be completely summertime! Enjoy these next couple of weeks while we're still stuck in the school routine.

  8. Your boys certainly seem to be enjoying the watermelon. Mmmmmm. I can almost taste it. ;-)

  9. Nice looking family - GOD Bless and have a safe Memorial Day weekend.

  10. Sunday meant time in one of our parks as well,autumn warmth is leaving us, and it was full of picnics till a storm arrived and water melon was enjoyed- out of season really.

  11. Fun times, T! Glad you enjoyed this day! Very relaxing here too. Just got back from grandma's house. My mom, aunt & uncle, uncle and the girl's cousins were all there. It was very impromptu...always fun!

  12. Handsome boys, Tanya!

    I like watermelon too - yellow meats on July 4th.

  13. Sounds like a great day! Hard to beat that watermelon.

  14. This is a photo that says "SUMMER!"
    Must be hard to keep those little redheads from getting totally sunburnt!

  15. for me too, watermelon means summer! we don't have them yet ... I guess in a couple of weeks we'll start too!


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