
Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Bojangles is a neighbor of mine. They have the best chicken and sweet tea! Since Christian has a football game tonight, and it's a bit of a drive, and we have to be there an hour and a half early, we should probably pick up a bucket of chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans (love their green beans, like grandmas!) and a jug of tea!
Ashlyn loves their cinnamon biscuits, which they used to serve those in the morning at her school in Georgia (and they wonder why American kids are overweight?!)
I rarely visit this neighbor, and it's a good thing or I'd be big as a house!

I just want to add that yesterday, I really wasn't dogging the local historical society. I love historical societies since I'm a huge genealogy buff and use several around the country. Being new to this area, I want to learn all about it and it's just discouraging when you can't find alot of information on the history of the structures. I really didn't mean to slam the historical society!


  1. One of those places that I love to eat at, except for the guilt! It sounds like a yummy treat though, for once in a while.

  2. Nice to have a Bojangles when you are too busy to eat at home. It sure sounds good!

  3. The name bojangles sure has a wonderful ring to it! Mmmmn.. I could go for a bucket of spicey chicken right now!

  4. Maybe I need to get me a bucket for dinner tonight, we dont have Bojangles though. Sounds good.

    I understand your comment about the HS. Finding things online can be so frustrating.

  5. We have a Bojangles in our neighborhood....yummy biscuits!

  6. Well that sounds good! I don't think I have ever seen a Bojangles here or in Aystralia. But it would be useful.

  7. What a yummy post today. I'm already hungry. Pass the Chicken, Please. And some more green beans, I love green beans. Thanks, everything was tasty...;)

  8. j'adore les gâteaux à la cannelle. bon match, j'espère une victoire.

    I love cakes with cinnamon. good match, hopefully a victory.

  9. I think take-out is appropriate sometimes. Not many days have more than 24 hours. LOL

  10. Sounds delicious! I love green beans.

    Is the sweet tea hot or cold?

  11. Sweet tea is great. (Especially when asked for in a Southern accent). Love the name Bojangles.

  12. Bonjour Tanya !

    Tu as de belles photos...
    A plus tard...


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