
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Dinner

Last Sunday was absolutely beautiful. We couldn't have ordered more perfect weather! We couldn't pass up the opportunity to enjoy our meal out on the back porch.
Today is supposed to be warmer than it has been the last few days, but with a 50% chance of rain. I do love to sit on the porch and listen to the rain!


  1. Howdy Tania! What a beautiful family and place to enjoy supper together. Nice to meet you btw!

  2. It seems everybody was having a great time! Indian summer...
    Have a great Sunday!

  3. Great shot! Great atmosphere here!

  4. What fun, that's one of my favorite things to do, dine on the porch, so relaxing.

  5. What a great idea to dine on the porch. I love a porch too! Thanks for visiting my blog. At Auburn we have that whole TIger/Eagle thing going that is confusing for first timers. I like them Dogs except when they are playing AU!

  6. What a lovely family photo! Glad you are enjoying the weather :)

  7. This is just a wonderful family photo! You are so lucky to be able to have dinner on your back porch like this! How very relaxing and nice for your family!

  8. What a special photo! You're a busy lady with such precious kids!

  9. You live in a beautiful place. I'm with you on sitting outside & listening to the rain - which happens so rarely in SoCal. BTW I just noticed the books you are listening too. I just recently listened to To Kill a Mockingbird & loved it. I've read 3 of Fanny Flaggs earlier novels. On my list of favorite books (also on audio books) is Digging to America & Blessings. Did you read either of those?

  10. What a wonderful place to enjoy a family meal! You are blessed!! I love the expressions on the boys faces - looks like what my guys do when I pull out the camera. ;-)

  11. Oh, I'd love to have a porch and sit there while it's raining, all snug in a warm cardigan...
    Such a lovely photo, such a good feeling!
    Thank you for visiting my Verona City Blog, come again!


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