
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Mr. Bluebirds on my Shoulder

Well it's a Bluejay in a bush actually. The other day Braden noticed Mr. Bluejay outside our window and commented on all the "decorations" on his back,lol...we get alot of Bluejays visiting in addition to the Cardinals. Makes the yard colorful :)


  1. Mr. Bluejay is beautiful! Great 'decorations' on its back! :-) I don't think we have them here...

  2. They are pretty fancy dressed birds and come in a variety of sizes. From big and old to young and small -- we like them all.

  3. They are like little blue shovels. I've seen 'em empty a bird feeder all by themselves!

  4. zip-i-dee-do-dah...wish we had one of those up here.

  5. Blue bird or blue jay, I love them both! Much better than the turkey vultures I saw in my neighborhood this morning! I did get a couple of pics of them and will be posting one later this week.

  6. I like such birds! And they're such colorful!

  7. happy sunday tanya
    we've seen a few in the backyard...not a lot though. guess i don't have enough things they like to munch on.
    have a good day,

  8. We have cardinals that visit our feeders on a regular basis but it's been a while since we've seen any blue jays.

  9. I love the bluejays and cardinals.... when we lived in Maryland we had cardinals nesting in a large bush outside the kitchen window.... was fun to watch them, here however, Handsome chases all birds away from near the house... bad dog.... sit.... bad dog...

  10. We had tons of these little guys when we lived on the west side of Los Angeles. Here, I never see them. (The wild parrots pretty much rule the San Gabriel Valley!) I love your son's comments about decorations!

  11. Such a bright colour. The nearest we get to this is Blue Tits (I'm not being rude!), they have a blue and yellow front.

  12. Great shot here! I was around Ranoke before great trip that was. I did it twice.

  13. Wow, I'd love to see one of those in my garden - although that's not likely at all! We do have Canada geese on the lake in the park by my house though, and other sorts of geese too. They can be very noisy as well as messy!

  14. I just started noticing bluejays around my yard. I wonder if they went south and are back?

  15. Beautiful bird - I've been playing tag with a cardinal, but every time I see him and run to get my camera, he waits, waits, waits, and then just as I am about to snap a picture off he goes.

  16. I can never get good pics of the bird in my yard. He's a very pretty birdie!

  17. It's true, it's actual, everything is satisfactual!!! I loved that song as a girl - Ok, I admit it... I still love it!!! LoL!

  18. Nice picture of a hard subject to capture.

  19. That's a real beautiful bird. We don't have those over here, so it's special to see this one.


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