
Monday, April 6, 2009

Pear Tree

This is one of two pear trees on our property. When we moved in over the summer, they were full of pears. They are very sweet and Bucky loves them but I'll have to see what we can do with all those pears this year. I hate for any to go to waste and both trees produce way more than we could ever consume!


  1. That is a beautiful picture. We use to have pear trees in our yard. I canned them and I baked a lot of "Pear Betty" throughout the winter months. Mmmmmm it was soooo good! Also, we liked the canned pears with ice cream, or just cream poured over them. Now I see why I'm pleasingly plump!! ;)

  2. Canning pears sounds like a great project. In the summer I go around my neighborhood with a bag in my pocket and pick up all the windfalls from trees ignored by their owners. It breaks my heart to see good food go to waste.

  3. un beau bouquet de fleurs dans cet arbre.
    a nice bunch of flowers in this tree.

  4. pretty tree and look forward to you posting pictures of the pears :)
    have a good day.

  5. I'm sure whatever you don't eat, the birds will enjoy!

  6. oooh, squealing here at my house... Hubby does not eat pears, but I would like a couple. When they are ready that is. Wish we had fruit treess. Had lemon trees in Arizona... so many lemons that many went to waste... how sad.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  7. Trust me BRG, you can have more than a couple!

  8. I would learn how to can them too! I would also be making tons of tarts!

  9. Pretty pear blossoms. We had a pear tree when I was growing up, and we made pear preserves and pear pickle. We would pull out of pear pickle at Thanksgiving and Christmas for a cinnamon-sweet treat with dinner.

  10. Ah that's so gorgeous. I bet you're an ace making allsorts of dishes with pears!

  11. Divine! The blossoms are ginormous too!

  12. Last year we were overloaded with pears. I canned pears and made lots and lots of pear sauce. I made it like applesauce, with a little lemon juice and cinnamon. I canned some of it and froze some. The pear sauce is great in cake recipes too. Just put in the sauce instead of oil and water. It makes the cakes really moist. Really good in spice cakes.
    Have a great day.

  13. Very pretty Tanya! My grandmother had a pear tree and she used to make a dessert called pear crisp. I don't know the recipe though.

  14. A lovely photo, Tanya! Lucky you to have so many pears!

  15. Brattcat should just ask her neighbors. Her neighbors might be relieved like I was that they won't go to waste. We used to have a pear tree at our other house and I swear, it dropped hundreds of pears. I felt so bad because I don't know how to can and didn't know what to do with them. One day one of my neighbors asked me if she could have some. I told her to take all she wanted. She canned them and made me some preserves. Yum!

    By the way Tanya, your nice compliments about my writing always makes me feel good! Thank you!

  16. How wonderful to have your own pear trees. Have fun making lots of lovely things with them. Great picture!

  17. They look lovely enlarged Tanya. - Dave

  18. What a gorgeous blossom! Great shot, Tanya!

  19. Pear preserves! Eat all you can and give away the rest!
    Beautiful blossoms!


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