
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ozzy Sunday

Smile and the world smiles with you....


  1. Ozzy! You are just about the handsomest boy effur!! I love, love, love your almond shaped eyes! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!!


  2. I'm falling in love with your dog . . .

  3. Happy dog... I'm a happy dog!

  4. I definitely smiled with this photo!

  5. Lol...the words you added fit this photo to a T. I'm still smiling over it. :)

  6. I can't help but smile when I see that face.

  7. Hi Tanya... got me smiling! Thanks for your kind words on my blog! I have a place in 29 less than a mile from the border for Joshua Tree village border, on the South side of 62. My view looking north is Copper Mountain. The park boundary is a short walk behind me (south). We're just weekenders right now, but hope to retire out there someday!

  8. Hi Tanya,
    amo lo sguardo del tuo Ozzy.
    E' veramente un magnifico esemplare... il mio cane è un chow-chow di 11 anni e si chiama Igor :)
    Anch'io penso che nessun animale sia aggressivo.... anche il chow-chow è considerato un cane aggressivo, ma ti posso assicurare che invece è dolcissimo come il tuo !!!
    Grazie per la condivisione, amerò seguire il tuo blog :)
    Buona serata Myriam
    ( un bacio a Ozzy )


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)