
Monday, April 30, 2012

Horses on the Beach

We spent the weekend in Virginia Beach. Ashlyn had her last State Conference there this weekend as a State Officer. She's been involved in FCCLA since middle school, starting out as a State Officer for Georgia, then twice here in Virginia. She's had a super time, grown tremendously and has become a young adult while involved in this terrific organization. Being a graduating senior this year, she won't be able to run as a State Officer again but can still be involved in many different capacities.

We had a few breaks from the festivities and saw these horses while sitting on the pier!


  1. There isnt a half of a statue of liberty on the beach is there?

  2. Congratulations to the graduating's an exciting time. The horses on the beach bring back some delightful memories of our own family.

  3. Thats awesome! What is sad is that soon you wont be able to ride on the beach if what is happening in N.C. moves north!
    Read here:

  4. We always rode our horses on the beach when I was growing up! What a fun picture.

  5. Never seen horses on a beach before, but I believe they are loving it.

  6. Like a fairy-tale.

    Please have a good new month.

    daily athens photo

  7. Beautiful picture! I'm not so sure our "desert" horses would be having any fun in the ocean! Hubby's horse hates to walk through a puddle!! LOL!!

  8. I don't think I've ever seen horses on a beach. But then growing up in New Mexico doesn't provide beaches.... I just have never been around a coast much. Now mountains and horses I've seen lots. Beautiful photo!

  9. You got a fantastic blog. More power.

  10. What a sight! Wonderful shot.


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