
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rural Thursday Blog Hop #29

Tuesday night was the boy's first practice in full pads. It's the practice they all look forward to!

Summer is winding down. School starts on the 22nd. Not looking forward to busy schedules, quick breakfasts, lunch packing, chasing kids out the door to catch the school bus. I'm not ready for fall. I just love summer. I love having the kids home with me. I love letting them stay out late on warm summer nights playing with their friends. Well I guess all good things must come to an end. We do still have a little more summertime to enjoy and we are going to take full advantage of every second!

Linking up with Rural Thursday


  1. I confess I'm not too excited about all that lunch packing either. But Pierce is excited to start kindergarten this year.

    Great picture - they look ready to tackle!

  2. Great picture of the team. I like summer but the heat has been tough this year.

  3. I must say that I am glad those early-morning rushes to meet the bus are over! But I do look forward to football season.

  4. very nice article. thank to share.. i love it.

  5. I'm glad I don't have that to look forward to anymore!

  6. I can't believe school starts so soon! Moments like these are definitely worth treasuring, before the new school year kicks off :)

  7. I totally hear you. I don't want summer to end, I know this summer has been bad with the heat and all, but I want MORE!!

  8. School starts here on the 27th, and it is fast approaching - time to fill every second we can with summer freedom and activities!

  9. Oh I love this photo Tanya I am going to miss summer, when my kids were home I loved this time of year spending all the time with them before fall and school. B

  10. I'm definitely ready for some cooler weather!

  11. It's so hard to believe summer is coming to a close!

  12. what a cute photo!!

    i don't "do" those things anymore, sometimes i miss it. but most of the time, i don't!!

  13. I agree with Debbie -- I love my boys, but I don't miss all the stuff that goes with getting them raised... Lol. Enjoy the rest of your summer, Tanya. xo

  14. With this heat and drought- I have wished away my summer..but I am so looking forward to fall.

  15. I hope it cools down for their practices. It's been pretty hot in Nebraska.

  16. How wonderful life can be in your environment.

  17. I am feeling your pain. We went back to school last week! Already busy with sports, packing of bags, and since I teach 2nd grade in our local district.....lugging the kids to work with me! lol

  18. Summer is fleeting ~ fun photo ~ enjoy each moment ~ thanks for coming by (A Creative Harbor)

  19. What?!? Summer is almost over?!? :)

  20. Terrific photo, Tanya. I feel like I am there with them.

    Even worse than the things you mention is the realization that you have only so many summers with the kids at home to enjoy. When a summer ends, the number remaining becomes scarily small. Then, they leave home and life is forever different.

    So, hold onto these days as long as you can. And take as many pictures as you can, to help hold the memories.

  21. Looks like they're ready for fun in the next phase of the year. :) Enjoy what's left of summer.

  22. Lots of great color in those uniforms! School starts next week for us. The summer has flown by!

  23. The boys games would be more fun to watch comparing to the adults one. A powerful image.

  24. School, schedules, fall transitions....nice photo♫


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