
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Rural Thursday Blog Hop #35

(taken from Food Lion's parking lot)

This is the Daleville Town Center located in Daleville of course ;) They have been working on this since we moved here in 2008. It's supposed to be a whole neighborhood, where you can live and shop and not have to drive. Over on the other side, you can't see from the picture is the housing. I don't know how many houses they've completed but the last time I drove through there were only a handful. And I'm not even sure if any of those have sold yet. There is one shop in the Town Center I like called The Willow Pod which is a neat little gift shop. Other than that, there isn't much else except a light store and an urgent care. Maybe it's just me but I don't see this as being an all inclusive neighborhood. The architecture is pretty though and they do make good use of the field by holding outdoor concerts and this weekend is the Biscuit Bash and all proceeds will go to help abused and neglected animals.

Last night the boys had their 4th football game and their 4th win! It was a great game. They all played so well!

I finished reading Water For Elephants last night. Loved it. I know, I'm late reading it and watched the movie first and since it's a favorite of mine, I decided I must read the book that got it all started. What a great book. It made me a little sad when they would flash to 93 year old Jacob. I realize how quickly time flies and I really felt a bit melancholy over that fact while reading the older Jacob parts. Then there is beautiful Rosie. Reading the book has made me want to read more about elephants. What smart creatures they are! When we first moved here, Nick had gotten tickets to the circus. We had a fun time but I remember when the elephants came walking past us, one looked like she was crying. I swear that I saw a tear on her cheek. I have always remembered that look in her eye and that tear as she walked past us. Actually, I even blogged about it right here ...

And back to the book...don't you just hate when you finish a book that you loved? I'm going to miss Jacob, Marlena and Rosie....

Check out more from Rural Thursday's Blog Hop, it's fun!


  1. What a pretty rural area you live in! I like the fog dipping across the mountain in the background.

  2. Oh it is a pretty place I can imagine it will get bigger and better.
    You now have me very curious about that book I must look for it. B

  3. You might like the book The Cowboy and His Elephant. It's nonfiction - neat read.

    I read Water for Elephants ages ago, but just watched the movie last month.

  4. I LOVED♥ that book too...I am glad you are reading it. The author has put out another one...but I haven't gotten to that one yet. BOOKS you just can't live without them.
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  5. Great book ~ lovely photo ~ interesting concept ~ congregate living of a sort ~ wish it would work better ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Biscuit Bash...what a great idea. The backdrop in this photo is just gorgeous.

  7. i love the view of the fog over the mountain. you can keep the development, though. :)

  8. What a pretty shot. Buddy and I are unaware of this project, but we need to drive down and see it. What a great idea. genie

  9. I was unfamiliar with this project; it's interesting but do they have an end date in mind?

  10. Woof! Woof! LOVE the backdrop of the photo. Happy Rural Thursday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  11. Sounds like a great place to retire to when all is said and done...

    I liked that movie as well. The ending was pretty awesome. :)

  12. Water for Elephants is also one of my all-time favorites!

  13. Biscuit Blast? Just for dogs? hahahahaha

  14.'s a funny thought to have a buffalo in your own home. Hey thanks for the hint of Water for Elephants...I had heard of it before and forgot. This will be my reminder.

  15. Beautiful spot! I love the fog over the mountain.

  16. I loved that book and movie too! I know what you mean about finishing a book you wished would go on forever! The Dalecenter place will be nice I guess if they ever finish it. It has interesting architecture.


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