
Monday, March 25, 2013

It's Spring Right?

This is the view off my front porch, right now. I just took this. It started snowing yesterday morning and never really quit. We ended up with about 6 inches or so. The kids have a snow day. They are all still asleep. I'm sitting here with my coffee and big plans of doing some organizing in their bedroom. Sounds good in my head, until I go in there and get overwhelmed lol.

Next week is spring break. Hoping we'll have some nice weather for it!


  1. I hope spring comes on time for the spring break! This is a lovely shot, though.

  2. If this was January, I would be jealous.

  3. Definitely a year for strange weather!

  4. We haven't nearly that much snow, but it's still pretty here in NoVa as well.

  5. What a wonderful view to sit and enjoy with a coffee!

  6. wild, right? it is still snowing here. i tell ya where is spring? this is so silly. ha. ha!! enjoy. ( :

  7. Hey Ozzy! Do some rompin' for me, K??


  8. Yikes! We didn't get any snow, but St. Louis got something like 12 inches! We're about 2 1/2 hours south of STL. Bet your kids are happy for a snow day at least :) It's really cold here today but supposed to be nice this weekend. I am so over winter!

  9. It is a beautiful scene. I laugh at how people forget every year that spring doesn't really arrive in February. Patience, folks!

  10. I'm so tired of the snow!! My daughter's last day of school is June 28th. If they have one more snow day they'll have to take away days from April vacation to fulfill to the state's attendance requirements. Enough already! It's pretty but I don;t care. :)

  11. Guess what Tanya great minds think alike I am in my bedroom organizing right now, well not right now but soon very soon:) B

  12. It looks nice here but I am ready for green and so are the animals.

  13. Beautiful snowy picture! I can't believe that you are getting the snow and we aren't. What's up with that? Well, this time of year it never sticks around for long. Hope you have good spring break weather.

  14. I love the snowy landscape but - grr - where is Spring indeed?! I hope it springs on us soon, I'm pretty tired of winter like everyone else!

  15. I am looking at the same thing. I start spring break Friday bring on the warm an sunny weather.

  16. If it's spring, you sure can't tell it here. I have the same white stuff you've got and about 6 inches as well. It will probably skip spring and turn into summer once winter decides to leave. This weather is making me cranky!

  17. The photo is lovely, but by this time of the year, spring should be already here....mother nature, there is a time for everything, so lets get us spring already....:)

  18. Howdy neighbor :). It does look like here. Far too cold today so I am thinking - roll on Spring.

  19. our spring looks very white too......

    have a look at:


  20. Snow at the end of march is annoying to me!

  21. Spring will arrive soon. It's just been delayed to provide such vibrant visual fodder for your camera. A beauty of a shot!

  22. Very pretty, for a little while. Hope we don't get anymore this spring.

  23. Looks like a pencil drawing. Beautiful. Haven't seen snow for more than two years, since I haven't been home. Thank you for the memories. Please have you all a good Tuesday.

  24. We have had blowing snow here in KY all day. No snow day for us, just a terrible biting cold. Happy Spring.

  25. Oh boy,I guess there's no real advantage to heading South. Nice shot, though.

  26. I hope that is the end of snow for all of us. It's spring for gosh sakes.

  27. I'm happy to say that you got more snow than we did, although it is still snowing as I write this. Spring can't get here soon enough.

  28. Wow! Your weatherman did not get the Spring memo! Hole you had a fun day. :-)

  29. It looked like that here too. It's been melting all day.


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