
Monday, March 11, 2013

Rural Issue #206

"I drove behind a tractor" is a valid excuse for being late to anything...

Heading home on Etzler. If you take a right, you will end up at the Botetourt Sports Complex. The boys play baseball there in the spring/summer and we have football practice there in the late summer/fall. Plus the trails from Greenfield, which I yap about all the time, come through here.

You liking that time change over the weekend? I am so excited about it. Picked Christian up from work at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday and it was still light!

Today I am taking Braden and Dalton and a few of their friends to the movies after school to see Escape From Planet Earth. It's a belated birthday party for them. Their 11th birthday was on Feb 2nd but with everyone's basketball schedules it made it difficult to plan something with their friends. Should be a fun time. :)


  1. Oh it is nice to slow down while driving behind a tractor and just enjoying the view:) Have a great day Tanya. B

  2. I hate getting behind the tractors, especially when heading to the casino, lol.

  3. The country roads around here are so narrow that if you get stuck behind a tractor, you are 'stuck' :). It IS snowing here. I am so happy seeing it again!!!!

  4. Ahh, time to s l o w right down... enjoy the movie!

  5. The first time I drove behind a tractor after moving here from Vegas, I was THRILLED! You don't see such things in Las Vegas.

    Have fun at the movies! We might go see Oz.

  6. the best excuse ever. love it!! why i love the country. ( :

  7. How fun! We get lots of traffic, of course, but never any tractor traffic! Enjoy the movie. What a nice mom you are.

  8. I know thos view from my bike, when I go riding in the country. Wonderful ;-)

    Greetings from the Netherlands,

  9. Cool perspective! I'm loving the time change, we lost an hour but now it's as light at 7pm as it was at 6pm!:)

  10. Great treatment of the light.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

  11. I have been stuck behind a tractor quite a few times so I know that quote is true! Haha.

  12. That is a common happening for me driving the back roads to and from school. Rockbridge County really got slammed by the weight of that snow. Parts of the county are STILL without power. We were part of the lucky one who got it back on Wednesday. Lost lots of branches, but that was all the damage we had. Hope you all were OK. genie

  13. Best of luck with at the movies. Getting stuck behind a tractor is a daily thing around my parts.

  14. That is a great excuse for us rural folks! :)
    Personally, I'm glad we DON'T do daylight savings here in Arizona because we prefer more light in the morning, especially this time of year.


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