
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rurality Blog Hop #8 - The Vultures

The vultures like to roost up in this tree in our yard. In our house in Georgia, not long before we moved, they cleared out 30 acres behind our house to build a stupid subdivision. We would get so many vultures for some reason in our yard. In the mornings it wouldn't be at all odd to find 30 vultures roaming around the back yard! They must like us. I'd let the dogs out to chase them away. I don't mind them up in the trees, but not so much just wandering around in the yard!

Linking with Madge's Rurality Blog Hop


  1. Impressive and great in black and white with the touch of red.

  2. This reminds me of Poe for some reason..the birds look a bit menacing in b/w.

  3. I actually like to see them around -- they are nature's garbage collectors! :) Great shot Tanya.

  4. We have them all over too. They freak me out/fascinate me. Awesome photo!

  5. Very creative shot of the vultures ~ and I think I like them in the trees better too. Yet they may eat bugs and stuff you might not want in your house ~ then again a whole 'army' of vultures? Let them be in the trees ~ Bravo to your dogs ^_^

  6. Such a cool pic!! I think I'd like them a bit better in the tress, too.

  7. I can't imagine having that many vultures hanging around your place. A fine shot of them.

  8. Our dog has no use for them and takes great joy in barking at them, not sure why as they never show any interest in her. We don't have but a few that hang out around here and I think they had a nest in the barn one time.

  9. Love this capture! I too get somewhat spooked by the sight of vultures skulking nearby on the ground (makes me think, what's died? Or worse, about to die?) - but they look amazing here.

  10. i love vultures. they are such cool birds. i know most would probably think i am silly ... but have such cool features. all the details. armor. ( :

  11. I feel the same way - I appreciate the scavengers who clean up what is left behind.. but they kind of freak me out, too.. having them around always means something dead nearby.
    While we were just in Texas recently, my husband & sons hunted. The locals there use the birds to find the dead.. "wait for the buzzards to gather & circle.. they'll lead us there." Thankfully we didn't need to use this method.
    But as I sat reading outside, some would come flying over me low, and I'd jump at their shadow & yell at them to go away!

  12. Smashing image suited to 'them' birds :).

  13. Vultures always look so ominous - the way they sit up in the trees, gazing (glaring) down. I don't generally see many, but they are kind of neat to look at. That's a very cool picture - I wonder what they're looking at.

  14. If so many hung around your yard, some other animal was having a very bad night. We humans keep pushing the wildlife into smaller and smaller areas to survive.

  15. This is a really striking image!

  16. That would have been a wonderful Halloween shot.

  17. Very stark lines, goes with the idea of vultures.


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