
Friday, July 12, 2013

SkyWatch Friday Fences - Buchanan Carnival

4th of July at the Buchanan Carnival (click on photo to enlarge)

Our skies have looked this ALL SUMMER. What the heck? There's been so much rain, and with it, a lot of flooding. Another rainy weekend in store (I soooooo need a roadtrip) so I picked up a couple of movies to watch. Yesterday we watched Safe Haven. Oh my gosh, I loved it. Ash and Christian had already seen it at the theaters with their boyfriend and girlfriend...Ash drug her boyfriend to it and Christian was drug to it by his girlfriend lol. But it really was more than a chick flick and had a great twist at the end. You definitely need your tissues though, it is based off a Nicholas Sparks novel after all! And for today I have Trouble With The Curve. It's a baseball movie with Clint Eastwood. I figured the boys will like this one, and me too!

Now, something controversial about the Buchanan Fair. A group wants the organizers of the fair to stop praying at the beginning of each night at the carnival. You can read more HERE. I'm so tired of these groups coming forward and taking our rights from us. If you don't like the prayer, then don't come to the carnival, or come a little later. It's really quite simple.

Anyways, I'm linking up with Friday Fences and SkyWatch Friday this go have a great weekend and stay high and dry!


  1. i think that view is saying rain is headed your way ... hope you had an umbrella & boots too.

    have a super weekend. ( :

  2. The weather throughout the country has been very capricious!

  3. Last night's rain was almost epic here in NoVA.

  4. Rather than worrying about "optional" prayers I'd be more worried about Ash drugging her boyfriend - of course you mean dragged and I know that but the differing usage of the same language can cause the one-tracked bigots to mis-read to the point of pig-headedness. We would have said the film was based ON a novel rather than OFF - hope the rain eases off.

    1. lol, that is funny! maybe she did have to "drug" him to "drag" him there :D

      and hmmm, now you've got me curious about "based on" and "based off"....people chime in, how do you say it? based on sounds right too, but based off just rolled right off my keyboard without thought so i guess that's what i say more often.

  5. Tanya, I can feel your pain with the rain :) We have been saturated here in NC. I have quite a few sky shots like that one. Hoping for a drier weekend!

  6. I am afraid with clouds looking like that, I would have to leave.

  7. Stormy beautiful clouds. When we see sky like that we often get thunderstorms. Pictures is so beautiful and dramatic. Soon will be rain!

  8. Yes, you have to like rain to be happy with our summer weather most places. Makes for some great skies though as your photo proves. I had forgotten about Safe Haven--must netflix. Last week I saw a great one, Mud, that your teens might enjoy--kind of a Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn modern day.

    Re prayer, I favor a live and let live attitude. If you want to pray, come early. If you don't, wait a bit. In other words--what you say! :-)

  9. would love some of your rain, dang it!

    i've seen trouble with a curve. i liked it.

  10. YiKeS! very ominous lookin... i remember one year when i was a kid, we went to the carnival & a storm blew up all of a sudden & they started running tornado sirens... scared me to death!!!

  11. Those clouds are crazy! Wow. I like Nicholas Sparks novels and movies, but I still haven't seen Safe Haven. I think I'll have to rent it one night that my husband won't be around because I know he wouldn't want to watch it!

  12. That sky is amazing -- although I'm sure you would have preferred sunshine!

  13. great shot of the clouds -and oh yeah I see the little fence when I enlarged it!

  14. That is a great shot, but looks like umbrella weather.

  15. Fantastic shot, clouds in the sky are painting unusual pictures of this year:) Greetings

  16. The sun came out yesterday for the first time in a week! We've had sooooo much rain this summer. The good thing about it is our newly planted trees (30 of them) really do enjoy the water. Have a nice weekend. Maybe the sun will shine for you too.

  17. Plenty of rain here, too, but fortunately every now and then the sun comes out. I had the same grammatical reactions as Gerald, but it isn't for me to try to be anyone else's editor. Prayers at the fair? Fine. Let those who want to pray pray, and those who don't want to, go for a walk.

    BTW, I once picked up a Nicholas Sparks novel and felt that I was sprouting estrogen by page ten. I quit on page 11.

  18. Angry clouds. Stunning photo, Tanya!

  19. Dark and threatening clouds but a great capture.

  20. That's a very threatening looking sky!


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