
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A Mill Without a History

(click on photo to enlarge)Bedford

On our way to the winery Sunday, we saw this "barn" so Nick pulled over for me to take a photo. I thought for sure it was a barn until about an hour ago when I googled it to see if I could find any info. It looks OLD right? Well, I found out that it isn't a barn at all but a mill. I found a few images online naming it Penicks Mill or Pattersons Mill or Upper Pattersons Mill. Did I find any historical info. NOPE, NADA, ZILCH. I searched and searched until I felt like banging my head against the computer desk. I even asked the Bedford Historical Museum if they have any historical info on this mill to which they replied "I'm 90% certain we do". What? What kind of answer is that? Anyways, I sent out a couple of emails to the historical society and a man I found online that had a Bedford history page so we'll see. I just have a difficult time posting a photo without the proper history/info on the place! Kills me!

So anyways, this mill is very near to the winery, like 5 minutes from there. And, hopefully I will have a bit more info on it by the end of the day. I just don't get how these gorgeous old relics sit there without a story.


  1. Whatever the history, it's a beautiful building! Love the stone!

  2. How frustrating that there's so little information about this mill!

  3. Wow! Hope you find its story. It has one out there somewhere!

  4. love the stonework - and the flag, too.

  5. Clearly a hard place to pin down, great photo though!

  6. That is frustrating! I'm sure there's a history behind it so it's sad that no one seems to know what it is. The building is really neat!

  7. When all else fails - make up your own story because this is a beautiful building and worth showing off.

  8. Looking forward to your historical update on this structure.

  9. will have to check this out the next trip to Bedford. love that area and a great shot you have shared.

  10. A great photo of this old mill. Like you I google places we've seen and taken photos of, sometimes I am lucky, others not so much. I hope you find its history.

  11. Barn, Mill - no worries! It makes for a great shot.

  12. That really is a beautiful place.

  13. It is so hard dealing with OCD, isn't it? (Joke.)

  14. You're funny...kills you to post something without it's history. lol We love the picture no matter what it's history!

  15. You are a true historian; I feel the same way. I want to know background and want to share it with my viewers. An act of courtesy, methinks.

  16. I have a PDF that was sent from the Society for Preservation of Old Mills and it has these 2 mills listed:

    ~PATTERSON'S MILL, VA-010-008, BEDFORD, VA, Updated: 01/2005
    AKA: LOWER PATTERSON MILL, Type - Grist Mill, Condition - Non Operational,
    Location: (ADC 14 B5) (I 5) SR-680 several miles from Penick's Mill, back on left behind a farmhouse. North of US 460, west of Bedford.
    Comments: 2 story frame with gable roof; stones, some machinery remain. Wheel gone.
    ~PENICK'S MILL, VA-010-009, BEDFORD, VA, Updated: 01/2005
    AKA: UPPER PATTERSON MILL, Type - Grist Mill, Condition - Non Operational, Currently - Other Business, Location: (ADC 14 B5) (I 5) Intersection of SR-682, SR-680, 2.5 miles from Kelso Mill (above). Comments: 2 story stone with gambrel roof; altered for use as a barn; concrete forebay intact.


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