
Friday, August 2, 2013

SkyWatch Friday Fences - Football & Randoms

(click photo to enlarge) Lord Botetourt High School, Daleville

Our first practice of the new football season. Stretching those neck muscles. This is Braden and Dalton's last year of rec ball. Next year they can play for middle school. Looks like we will have a pretty good team this season! Go Hurricanes!

"No son of mine is gonna play any foos-ball." Mama Boucher from the Waterboy :)

AND! Today is my Ashlyn's birthday! She is 19. Where has the time gone?

Linking with Friday Fences and SkyWatch Friday ....have a great weekend!!

Ohhhh, and a little game of Random 5!

1) So like I mentioned, today is Ashlyn's bday! She is at the dealership right now having something done with her car so that in a few hours she can head to the beach. For her present I got her a couple of beach chairs, a cute zebra striped cooler and a bunch of snacks to fill it up for her weekend. I'm going to make her some "cone-cakes" (which is what the boys call them)...cupcakes cooked in ice cream cones. My kids LOVE those!

2) Got that basement cleaned up. Hauled tons of stuff to Goodwill, the curb for trash day, and donated a lot of children's books to the elementary school. The books were kind of hard to get rid of since many were from when Ash was little, and books I bought for Christian and the boys. Picture books that they'll never look at again. I did however manage to still save a big bin of them, the ones I just couldn't part with lol

3) Thinking of cooking Talapia for dinner. I saw a recipe for Talapia topped with tomatoes, olives and feta. I love feta!

4) I want to go do something fun this weekend. I want to see something new. There is an event at James Madison's house, Montpelier, but that is a 2 hour drive for us and Nick is whining about not wanting to drive that far. I'm kind of mad about that...grrrr

5) I better get those cone-cakes going so they are finished before she gets home!


  1. Sweet photo of you both with your daughter. Happy Birthday Ashlyn!

  2. Of course country foos-ball takes some skill as it is played with pickup trucks and a beach ball.

  3. Years ago I worked for Mesaba Airlines and flew into Roanoke quite often. I always liked it.

  4. Enjoyed my visit. Even the fellows lined up gives fence affect.

  5. wow, lots going on for you this day & weekend. enjoy the celebration. have a great weekend. ( :

  6. Love cone cakes! And a very Happy Birthday to your girl!

    We need to clean out our garage so we can park our cars in there. Lol. I know i'll like it once it's cleaned, but blech. It needs to be cleaned!

  7. happy birthday to your daughter!

  8. Cute photo of the stretching! Love how they are all lined up. Happy birthday to Ashlyn! I love the idea of cone-cakes :)

  9. Hi Tabya ~~ I'm glad that you got the basement cleaned out. That is a big job I know. And not one inch of progress on my office. I've been gone for the whole week (and more).

    Happy Birthday to Ashlyn. I hope the car is okay and the beach is fun with sort of warm water.

  10. Happy Birthday Ashlyn! Time flies, doesn't it?!

  11. I'll be willing to bet that someday you'll be glad you save those books you just couldn't part with!

  12. The invitation for you to come up here and clean out my basement still stands!

    Congrats to Ashlyn on her 19th birthday. Inside, I am still 19, even though my drivers license says I am considerably older.

  13. Happy Birthday to your Ashlyn. Nice shot too.

  14. Go to James Madison's house! Do it :)

  15. Oh, sweet, sweet, sweet newborn photo of Ashlyn! The time does go so fast! Great Random 5. I'm kind've like the mama in Water Boy about football, but I will tell you I have a nephew who plays for Rutgers, and he loves it. Scary sport to me, though. I guess I'm just a weenie!

  16. Happy birthday to Ashlyn! Time goes much much too fast! I hope you get to do something new and fun this weekend!

  17. I think Steppin' Out is in Blacksburg this weekend. That might be something you'd enjoy. And not so far to drive.

  18. Happy Ashlyn...many more happy ones to follow! Gosh I can't believe football is starting already...when has the summer gone!!!

  19. We're celebrating my son's birthday tomorrow and the cone cupcakes sound like fun -- even if he's 32. :)


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