
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Signs, Signs - Jack Mason's Tavern

(click on photo to enlarge)

Whenever we are in Clifton Forge, we always eat at Jack Mason's Tavern. We love it! I always get the burger because once I find something I really like I stick with it. Nick has tried everything from the steak (which he compares to some of the best steak houses) to sandwiches. The boys always stick with their tried and true chicken nuggets, french fries and sweet tea.

From their website:
"Jack Mason’s Tavern is located in the small, quaint town of Clifton Forge, Virginia. We are a European-style pub, featuring a wide variety of beer, wine and spirits, designed to compliment the classic tavern fare on our menu.

We have designed Jack Mason’s Tavern not just as a restaurant, but also as a fun gathering place for friends and family of all ages. We have a game room featuring pool tables, video games and pinball, as well as 6 large TV’s and a state of the art sound system.

The large fireplace and warm atmosphere will welcome you as you come in to meet with friends or watch your favorite game. We are located directly across from the train station and welcome all of those passing through Clifton Forge, whether by road or rail, to come in and join us for a meal and a toast to Jack."

Click Here to read their menu and see more photos from the inside. See that first photo of the table in front of the map. We sat there last time and had fun finding places on the map. They also have a great selection of books, my favorites being historical photo books of the Clifton Forge area. I love browsing through them when we are waiting for our meal.

Linking with Signs, Signs


  1. I'd no doubt enjoy a bite to eat in there.

  2. I think I'll have fish and chips or shrimp!

  3. It really is like an old English pub.

  4. Jack Mason's looks like my kind of place!

  5. When I was a kid, the only thing around there was the Rainbow Drive-in which had a huge electric bug catcher on the corner of the building. All of the bright lights drew bugs from all over and it was great entertainment to eat and watch the bugs get sucked into the unit. What can I say, there wasn't much to do in Clifton Forge back then.

  6. Sounds like my kind of place. It's fun when you've found a restaurant such as this to which you can return over and over again and expect the same service and good food!

  7. i'm like you - once i find something i like, i stick to it. :)

  8. it is huge inside, the entry is deceiving, I'd go for the nuggets, fries and sweet tea too.

  9. Sounds like a great place to have a bite! I tend to stick with the same menu item too when I find something I really like. :)

  10. Looks like a great place to take the family for fun and food!

  11. A good burger is hard to beat! Sounds like a great place to eat!

  12. Sounds like a nice place. I usually like to try different things, even if I go to the same restaurant often. I find I'm usually disappointed though. There's always that "one thing" that's best. I will try to be more like you! :)

  13. I often get the same thing at certain places and have to force myself to try something different.

  14. One of these days, we will have to meet at Jacks. It is our favorite, too, and we are only 30 minutes away. That would be fun. We split the hamburger :-)

  15. Bet they will be busy on Monday.

  16. I love the sound of this place! I bet their french fries are amazing:)

  17. Sounds like a wonderful place to eat. Clifton Forge also sounds like a good visit...I don't think we've even been through.


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