
Friday, April 4, 2014

Random 5 Friday - The Grandin Theatre

(click on photo to enlarge)

The Grandin Theatre. 1310 Grandin Road SW. Roanoke. 24015

This sublime theater originally opened in 1932 and ran continuously through November 11, 2001 according to Wikipedia. I tried to find historic information on the Grandin's own website but there was zippo. Not one teency bit of historical info, not even the date it opened. When a person sees a theater like this they are thinking "How old is this place?" am I right? Sheesh Grandin website runners, throw some historical info on your "About" page. (You know me and my need to know the history of the pictures I post!) Anyway, if you want basic info such as movie times or employment stuff, visit their website HERE... if you want to know anything historical you're going to have to Google it.

Nancy @ A Rural Journal is taking a spring break so we are on our own with our randoms this here I go:

1) I am going to contact The Grandin and tell them they really should add a paragraph or two about this fine theater's history. Yes I am ;)

2) While Googling info on The Grandin, I found some accounts of the paranormal, which you can read HERE

3) Started watching 12 Years A Slave yesterday afternoon. I was only able to catch about the first half hour or so but I can tell it is going to be hard to watch.

4) We have been having super weather this week. Upper 70's, low 80's. Today we are near 80 again but have thunderstorms scheduled for the day. Then we fall back into upper 50's to mid 60's for the weekend and next week. That will seem like freezing after this week. But on the bright side, things are BLOOMING everywhere!

5) Have the garden ready to plant. Now the fun starts! Can't wait to get my herbs in!

Have a great weekend and stay out of trouble!


  1. I don't know how old the Grandin is but I've seen many movies there starting as a small child. The last time was taking my little boys to see The Lion King while visiting Roanoke. Nice memories.


  2. You're way ahead of us. I don't think it got much above 60 yesterday. We're still waiting . . .

  3. We have an old theater that's similar to this in downtown Ocala. It's gone through several reincarnations but now is back to showing regular movies. Hope it survives. I don't know how old it is, either! :)

  4. It doesn't look like a theater except for the marquee!

  5. This theater looks so nice and old fashioned.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. I love the look of these old movie theaters but I am with you, I like to know the history.

  7. We have an old theater in town that looks very similar to this one. I have to admit I, too, like a little history about places like this. Storms are moving through our area now, so they're on the way to you.

  8. Great theatre and knowing the history personalizes it some, I used to go to a theatre very similar to this one, sadly it is now gone.

  9. Good to see such a grand old theatre still going strong!

  10. yes, for history folks like yourself, they need to throw in some of that agey stuff! :)

  11. Love this place! Love these old American theatres!

  12. You are lucky that an old in-town theater is still going. Most of the old ones in Connecticut have closed in favor of those monstrous ones with 18 theaters.

  13. Love these old theaters. And I agree, history please! People need to know! :)

  14. Looks like a wonderful old theater. I hope these places never close. They are indeed our history.

  15. It's a beautiful theatre. We have one dating back to the same era, I believe, showing a mix of recent movies, classic, and cult-obscure stuff. Though that marquee sign shows two current ones, Eraserhead isn't new, so it seems this one plays some eclectic material as well.

  16. You'd think there would be a bit of historical info somewhere! Weather here is a bit chilly today after the bad storms blew through last night. It's the one thing I don't like about spring...dangerous thunder boomers.

  17. It's nice that it is still there and actually being used. All of the old theaters here have been torn down.

  18. Nice looking theater. I don't think I could watch 12 years a Slave.

  19. This is a real blast from the past for me. I grew up in an era when movie theatres were a big part of everyone's life. There's not many of the old ones left.

  20. I agree that the theatre should include its history on its webpage. Ridiculous to leave that out. Nice randoms!


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