
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Signs, Signs - Burgers, Shakes & Cream

(click on photo to enlarge)
10 Oak Dr, Blue Ridge, VA 24064
Phone:(540) 977-8648

We stop here occasionally for a burger and fries on our way back home or out on a road trip. Although tonight, weighing heavy on my heart is Ashlyn. She's mad at me. We've had a fight, exchanged some not-so-nice words and I'm feeling horrible. She's almost 20. I thought we were over this kind of tension. Guess not. Times seem different than when I was a teen. My mom and I didn't have a close relationship. Ash and I do. My mom was my "mom". The one who made the rules. The one I sassed and lied to. With Ash and I it has been different. I'm her mom. But I'm also her bud. We share things. I read and hear that you aren't your kids' friend/buddy. But I am. I genuinely like my kids. We laugh and have fun. I guess that makes it hard to draw a line when you are serious. I don't know.'re always learning how to do it, right?

Linking with Signs, Signs

****Update****It's all good. We kissed and made up before bed. I was feeling all sad and emotional after a few glasses of wine lol...dang, I love that girl!


  1. I wouldn't mind a shake!

    The fact that you shout at each other once in a while doesn't mean that you don't love each other! Hope things get back to normal for you!

  2. There are always tiffs and harsh words exchanged in a family. It's just something that happens when you live together, and see each other always. Actually, I think it would be unusual if it didn't happen. But it always goes back to normal really fast.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. Good place to stop at for a treat after a long journey!

  4. And even friends have their differences.

  5. I'm pretty sure parenting didn't come with a manual. I've met your kids and they all seem very well-adjusted. Don't second guess yourself!

  6. I think I know where that is but haven't stopped as I just don't go through there living where we are.

  7. Oh it will work out Tanya HUGS HUGS B

  8. I like all the little signs under the big one - in some ways it's the same with kids - the small things underneath

  9. My daughter is my friend, too. Now. Not so much when she was a teenager. She is over 40 now and we still butt heads occasionally. The good thing, we always make up.

  10. Glad you two made up. I have the same relationship with my daughter and some of the roughest times were when she was the age your daughter is now. It gets a little easier once they have kids of their own, but is still hard sometimes!

  11. This sounds like a great place!
    Glad to hear that you worked things out with your daughter. Being a mom is sometimes tough. :)

  12. The Chinese have a saying that no family can say, "No problems here." We get over it and move on. A burger and shake is always inviting.

  13. It does happen from time to time. And you mended it.

  14. Looks like a nice, family-friendly place. Glad to hear that your relationship was renewed; bonds of love can't be broken by occasional tiffs.

  15. Being a parent is one of life's biggest challenges, for sure. Glad you made up and were able to wind down with a glass of wine. BTW, I like the name of that restaurant. You know exactly what to expect.

  16. Hey, I think parenting is HARD!

  17. Great local joint! Being a parent isn't easy, but I'm glad things are good now.

  18. Maybe the wine helped a bit, but glad everything worked out for you and Ash. Being at odds with close family members is a tough situation.

  19. There's always room for a shake.

  20. That burger place reminds me of our Uncles place in Asheville, NC. So gooooood.
    I get you on your relationship with Ashlyn. I have the same with my girls. We are the best of friends; while i'm still the mama-bear. It hurts when you butt heads….so glad all is well now. XOXO

  21. She's growing up... wants to stretch those wings a bit. Girl gotta fly ... alone sometimes.


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