
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Signs, Signs - Hip-Hop Cigarette Receptacle

(click on photo to enlarge)
Somewhere in downtown Hampton.

Everytime I look at this I just gotta sing....I like big butts and I cannot lie ;)

For some info on downtown Hampton, which is a cool little city, CLICK HERE

Linking with Signs, Signs

P.S. I hope I din't upset anyone with yesterday's post about the turtle that died. I wasn't sure if I should post it, but it's real life and I wanted to give a shout out to the Stranding Response team. So I'm sorry if it was was to me as well :(


  1. At least this plant pot is designated for cigarette butts. Since the smoking ban came into force here a few years ago and forced the smokers outside, ANY plants, plant pots, flower beds etc became fair game for people to discard their cigarette butts into! Disgusting!!

  2. Ha! Now I have that song in my head too Tanya :) So sad about the turtle, but it really is s tough old life out there in nature.. Wonder if it was attacked in the water by a shark or something.. It happens..

  3. I'm one of THOSE ex-smokers thats always judging others that still smoke. I used to cough loudly when I would walk past them to get into work, lol. Now they have to stay 25ft from any doorway. but....oh my God, Becky, look at her butt.

  4. No! Now I'll be singing that song all day! Love the sign. Someone had a brilliant idea.

  5. no, life and death go hand in hand. :)

    i LOVE this!!

  6. hmmm, now I'm going to have to find this song...

  7. Too much information, Tanya.

  8. Clever sign! (And thanks for that ear worm!)

  9. I thought of the same song when I saw this sign. Hilarious!


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