
Friday, December 5, 2014

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 23 - The View Along Wheatland Road

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When I pulled into the church parking lot from yesterday's post I noticed this cutie:

just enjoying the view:

I thought of The Story of Ferdinand. I loved that book as a kid.
“And for all I know he is sitting there still, under his favorite cork tree, smelling the flowers just quietly”
― Munro Leaf, The Story of Ferdinand

Now it's Willy Nilly time!

1) Speaking of favorite childhood books...yesterday I visited Latane Living Life On Main Street and she posted about a favorite childhood book, Raggedy Ann, which she still owns! It made me think of one of my favorites, the Billy And Blaze books. In elementary school, we would get library time, about once a week I guess...every time you could find me in the same section, checking out a Billy and Blaze book. I can still picture where in the library they were kept! I have purchased a few of them in the past few years on eBay...just for old times' sake.

2) Another book I would check out on a regular basis from my little library at Johnson Ave Elementary was a book about Lipizzan Stallions and after much Googling I am 99% positive that THIS was the book. The cover looks very familiar. I remember checking it out a lot but only to look at the pictures. I LOVED horses!

3) Another memorable read from that time period was Sweet Sue's Adventures about a skunk. Mostly I remember the yellow cover and the time that I read it. Our family had been camping at the Lemon Grove Rod & Gun Club. Our whole family were members, my grandparents, my uncle, us and many friends. We camped there about every weekend. Well this one weekend in particular, it crazy. We were there camping but had to leave because of the rain. My dad was in the Navy and over seas somewhere so my mom had to drive us off the mountain. A little narrow dirt road with steep cliffs on each side. She was following my grandparents and driving our camper and pulling a trailer. I remember us sliding side to side and being terrified we would fall off the side of the cliff. The only thing that saved me was burying my nose into this book! Obviously we made it down safe and sound! Phew!

4) I also LOVED the Childhood Of Famous American books and read MANY but for some reason Abigail Adams sticks out the most. (I have bought a few of these for Braden and Dalton to read)

5) My grandma like to read. I remember reading Clarence The TV Dog and recommending it to her. I gave it to her to read, which she told me she did and she said she really liked it a lot too. Now that I'm older I wonder if she really did read it? ;) (I also bought this on Ebay some time back)

Well, that's mine for the week! And I have to apologize for being so sloooowwww to comment on your blogs this week but I will get around to it! I pinky promise!


  1. I've enjoyed your photos in the morning... I've like "The story of Ferdinand" too.
    My younger brother got it for a birthday, I was older (too old as adults think of it), but I loved it anyway. And I still today collect children's books with good stories and illustrations, some graphics are my" hunting objects"...
    Have a great weekend

  2. I love reading about your childhood reading habits. Good stories are good, no matter what your age! I still like to read kids books every once in awhile.

  3. Certainly does seem to be enjoying that wonderful view, have a great weekend!

  4. My goodness, First of all, thank you for hosting this great meme and thank you for such kind comments on my blog. This post of yours was fun, to read about what books you liked as a child. After school each day, I had to wait at the library which was a block away for my aunt to pick me up. So, I learned to love to read!

  5. It does seem like Ferdinand! We have that book as well - it's always been a favorite of mine. I really love the message.

  6. sweet ferdinand. :)

    i loved charlotte's web, bambi, then the trixie beldon series.

  7. Wonderful memory joggers today. Books, books, books from childhood. Yes, the the tale of Ferdinand the Bull. "Mike Mulligan Steam Shovel" was a favorite on mine. Couldn't get enough of it. But truly "The Call of the Wild" was the book that turned my life around. Thank you Jack London and my 7th grade English teacher, Mrs. Helen Kibler. Long story...

  8. Well spotted and I do love those beautiful photos and the mountains beyond. My favorite all-time book as a child was Heidi, about the little girl who lived in the Swiss Alps with her grandfather. I loved those books! Thanks for hosting Tanya, I have linked up.

  9. I love your pictures! Especially the second one where you back up for the big surprise, our beautiful Blue Ridge! When I was little, we had an old series of hard cover books from England called Chatterbox. Each book had many short stories. I have since seen them in antique shops. I WISH I still had them!

  10. That cow certainly does have a lovely view to look at.
    How fun to learn about your favorite childhood books. One that I recall with fond memories was called, Don't Call Me Katie Rose. I read it over and over and was surprised to find it still in our local libary. Another that I really enjoyed was, The Other Side of the Mountain.

  11. I LOVED this Willy Nilly! I love your Ferdinand photos, but I also just enjoyed your references to the favorite childhood books SO much! The Billy and Blaze books is something I have shared with our grandson. I read every horse book I could lay my hands on, like Misty of Chincoteague, Black Beauty, The Black Stallion and Sham, King of the Wind. I loved those biography books for kids too. They looked very different on our school library shelves, so maybe it was a different series, but I read so many of those--Thomas Edison, Abigail Adams, Clara Barton. Your post brought back so many memories!

  12. I loved library time at school. My favorites were the Little House books by Laura Ingalls. It was one of my favorite TV shows, too, even though it didn't really follow the books.

  13. Really nice history of Ferdinand, wonderful picture !!

  14. I developed my love of reading in grade school and it is still a favorite pastime. My tastes have changed over the years, but I still love some of my old favorites and have many of them in my library. I read to my children every night when they were young, but sadly, neither one of them picked up the habit after leaving home.

  15. So funny how many of our childhood memories are wrapped up in books. I LOVED when we had the book fair at our school; it was like Christmas!
    Oh, that Fernidad.....what a sweetie!


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