
Friday, December 12, 2014

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 24 - All About Christmas

click on photo to enlarge

My Willy Nilly's:

1) One of my favorite Christmas songs is Away in a Manger:

2) One of my favorite Christmas movies is Love Actually ...although I can watch it any time of year.

3) One of my favorite Christmas toys I received as a kid was a Light Bright.

4) One of my favorite Christmas reads is Skipping Christmas ...I also love the movie Christmas With The Kranks which was based on the book Skipping Christmas.

5) Now let me take you back to Christmas 1969:
C'est moi...I was 3 years old. That thing in my hand is a yummy popcorn ball. My mom and grandma made them every Christmas. I loved them! They would color them red and green too! That's my mom and dad in the background. Look at my mom's hair! She had it done once a week. I always thought it looked like a party cake the way it was so high and so many layers of things done in there lol...sometimes she'd have little braids that went around...I have no idea how she slept like that!

Welp, that's it for this week. Now it's your turn!


  1. You are so cute!! When I was a teenager, I would have loved to know the secret to your mom's hair. I would tease it and tease my hair. It still just looked flat and tangled. I LOVE your beautiful picture! It looks like night, with the awesome black church silhouette, yet I see the sky is daytime.

  2. You sure were a cute little girl. You know Tanya, when my sister got married and I was a bridesmaid, that was my hair-do. I wasn't too thrilled at 18 but it was the in-style of the day and considered very sophisticated. That's one of my favorite Carols also. I grew up with the English version and it was played to a different tune but I have grown to love the American version also. Have a great weekend :)

  3. So cute girl and nice memories -
    The hairstyles of this time were really gorgeos and strange for us now ;-)
    I like your song.
    Have a great weekend

  4. Looks like you had very Happy Christmas's when you were a child, great shot!

  5. #1 It's a favorite of mine also.
    #2 I'm not sure if I have a favorite Christmas movie, well maybe "It's a wonderful Life."
    #3 Light Bright was a favorite for my children.
    #4 Sadly I'm not much of a reader.
    #5 I loved those popcorn balls and still do.
    I hope that you all are enjoying the season. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  6. My daughter was born in 1969!!! And I love popcorn balls. Now I wanna make some for Christmas. My favorite movie for the Holidays in Polar Express.

    And heck, while I proclaimed my ancientness by telling my daughter's birth year, I might as well confess....I LOVED playing with HER Bright Light too.

  7. We share the book and the movie! Your 1969 picture is simply great!

  8. Fincastle . . that photo is Marvelous! I'll have to find a story about Fincastle, because you've convinced me there's some kind of magic there . . . Your Mom must have been dedicated to making her home life loving and supportive . . and, look how happy you are . . golly, what a happy story you have given to start my day . . Thank you!

  9. I love all your favorites....we share so many of them! The pic from 1969 cracked me up. YOU are adorbs and your Mom is a sylish diva! How did she ever sleep? She must have been exhausted keeping the nice 'do and you too. :)

  10. A wonderful view from underneath with a colossal silhouette, great photo!

  11. Aren't you just a cutie in your little jumper. My grandmother used to make the best popcorn balls around!

  12. Absolutely LOVE the picture of you with your Mom & Dad at Christmas. Just too cute! I can see you have some wonderful memories. Great Christmasy Friday Five!

  13. cute pic of you and memories, too. :)

  14. meant to say, that's a beautiful sky and silhouette photo!

  15. You look delighted at three years old!

    A beautiful first pic, very dramatic.

  16. LOVE LOVE the three year old you and popcorn balls. Away in a manger is ne of y favourites too. I had so much fun playing with Light Bright and my girls. Oh I miss that. HUG B

  17. What was in the popcorn balls? Do you make them for your kids?
    My grandmother also lived in the times when women went to the beauty shop weekly and got their hair done. I don't think I could go a week without washing my hair though, it gets so oily! :)
    Happy Friday!!!

  18. This was so much fun, especially like the last picture. oh how I remember those hairdos!

  19. Very nice post, Tanya!
    So beautiful the photo of the Fincastle.
    Love too the movie "Love Actually", and I can watch it many, many times of year! Lol!
    Your photo with 3 years old with Mom and Dad is just adorable! What a happy kid! :)

  20. File this under Christmas: "Away in a Manger" The nuns would not let us sing this song at our Christmas pageant. They claimed it was written by a non-Catholic. It was a different world.

  21. Great post.The sondg is also known at my place

  22. The "once a week" hairdo! My mom had it done that way and was always nearly as high-standing as your mom's. She wrapped it all in toilet paper every night before she went to bed. Can't imagine not washing my hair all week!

  23. I just watched Love Actually. Love that movie.

  24. You are so cute! And the photo is fantastic!

  25. I really relate to the photo; this is my era as well. My mom didn't have quite so large a hairdo though. Your mom reminds me of Marge Simpson there. I wonder how she rode in a car. Marge's hair has to fold against the car roof :)

  26. Your top shot is really special!!!!!

  27. My mother had a hair-do kind of like that. She would wrap her hair in toilet paper at night.

  28. Saved as a favorite, I love your blog!


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