
Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday Murals - Pearisburg I

click on photo to enlarge
Artist unknown...Pearisburg, VA

Searched and searched for info. The town's website has a tab "murals" but only states that there are several murals around town. Hey, I've got an idea, why don't you actually list where the murals are and the artists who painted them! I have a few more to show you from Pearisburg. Linking with Monday Murals


  1. I love the brilliance, and the pop art kind of checkerboard. And the big bee is awesome!! Eye catching, but maybe not such a good image for peaceful yoga. I have never heard of Pearisburg, Is it a city beside Roanoke?

    1. it is in giles county, about an hour and a half from us...neat little place, i'll show you around this week :)

  2. Very colourful and cheerful!

  3. i like that: small town. good people. :)

  4. Linking the murals with the locations and artists would be a good idea.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  5. I would think the artists might appreciate that.

  6. What a neat looking mural. It is so colorful, bright and cheerful.

  7. You would think!!! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  8. I need to join Monday Mural. We have quite a few in Terrell. This one is colorful, I like that its made to look like ones of those flags people fly from their porch. I guess if they were mean they could give a phone number to call for info , then require to you make a donation to find out where the murals are and who planted them.

  9. I agree with you - beautiful mural and the artist took considerable time and effort (plus talent) to create. It should be memorialized by artist name, location, and date created on the website.


  10. Sounds like you are a bit fed up with bureaucratic incompetence! I've never heard of Parisburg...but obviously it's been around a long time - 1808. Named after Paris, France? Probably not. :)

  11. What amazing colors!! How beautiful. I love spotting new murals around town. Munich (where I live) doesn't have SO many, but I love spotting them all over the place in Berlin.

  12. This is pretty cute. I have seen some murals from little towns like this.

  13. I'm with you, they should give more info about their murals. I just realized that this image is meant to look like a quilt hanging from a rod. Very cute. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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