
Friday, September 25, 2015

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 54

click on photos to enlarge
My daisies are blooming :)

No for some randomness:

1) Have you heard about the monkey selfie hubub? A photographer was in Indonesia photagraphing monkeys. They became curious about his equipment. He left a camera there and came back and found that the monkey had taken several pictures including this incredible selfie. Now Wikipedia has snatched the selfie photo claiming it doesn't belong to him because the monkey took it. Now there's a big ol' lawsuit going on and Peta jumped in and thinks the monkey should own the copyrights lol...I sure hope that photographer wins this crazy lawsuit and shame on Wikipedia and Peta! You can read about it all HERE and see the famous selfie.

2) I just saw this commercial and really liked it:

3) Craigslist Mirrors ...this person scouts out Craigslist for listings of mirrors and posts the pictures on his website. Quite a unique niche!

4) Yesterday while unpacking some boxes (yes, I'm still unpacking, don't judge me!) I turned on The Identical on Netflix. It has Ashley Judd in it so I knew I'd like it. I was only half watching as I was working but it seemed really good. It starts out during the depression and this young couple has identical twins that they can't support so they give one to their Pastor and his wife who are unable to have a baby....and you will have to watch the movie to see what happens...actually I'll have to re-watch it to see what happens since the power went out half way through!

5) 16 Astonishing Photos Of Evil People Taken When They Were Kids
(I always find these things fascinating)

Now it's your turn! Post 5 randoms, link back to this blog and visit others! Thanks for playing and have a great weekend!


  1. Hi Tanya, this is a really interesting list. Sorry I haven't joined in lately but hope to get back in the groove soon.

  2. I always find true crime/murder stories fascinating...I always wonder what that says about me. I cannot read them one after another, but I always read a few through the year. I think I always wonder what happened....that their brain is not quite right. And I am not saying they shouldn't be punished...just that normal people cannot do this.

  3. Blooming... marvellous! Have a great weekend!

  4. I will check out that Ashley Judd series. Sounds very interesting.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  5. Dew on da daisies, delightful.

  6. You certainly have my attention this morning - touching commercial, cool monkey selfies . . still my favorite is your daisy photo . . I could look at that for a long time . . beautiful.

  7. I have heard of the monkey selfie story... PETA really needs to cut out stunts like what they're trying to do.

  8. You Daisy is so pretty.
    1. - Why is that people find the dumbest things to argue about. My hubby said the photographer should sue the monkey then for stealing his camera!
    2. That is a pleasant commercial.
    3. I wonder why he looks for all those mirror photos but it was interesting.
    4. Never heard of the movie before but it does sound intriguing. To bad your power went out.
    5. Those things are fun to look at but it always seems to take forever on our computer to go through them.

  9. How crazy! (The monkey selfie story) I wonder also about some of these kids who turned out to be so evil...nature or nurture? I'll have to look for the movie, I really like Ashley Judd as an actress.

  10. The daisy is perfect, in part because it is imperfect.


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