
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Celebrating A Sense Of Wonder

click on photo to enlarge
"No Worries About The Rain, We're Already Wet" created by Doug Alvord
Located in the Rachel Carson Sculpture/Wildlife Garden . Raleigh

That was all I could find out about this piece when I Googled it. Is Google becoming insignificant? I Googled and Googled for info on this and the whole first page of searches were directed to Pinterest. Now I do love me some Pinterest but don't really use it for facts know what I mean?!


  1. I didn't have much luck either when I tried to get background info on the statue or artist. It looks like Rachel Carson is the central figure in the sculpture.

  2. Yeah, so odd to find it on Pinterest, if you ask me. But it is beautiful, isn't it.

  3. Interesting that you were unable to find any info on this very lovely statue. But I have also had Pinterest pop on on some searches.

  4. Love the statue, Tanya!
    On a related note, Google doesn't cut it for me, always, either.
    Have a Lovely Day!
    Peace :)

  5. Coincidentally, I was in a conversation re Rachel Carson the other day. This trio is certainly placed in an appropriate spot. The sculpture is quite realistic.

  6. Brilliant how the landscape becomes part of the sculpture!

  7. I agree...these sculptures look alive...and the ground cover and grasses look so pretty. A lovely touch of color.

  8. Now if you Google it, your blog comes up!

  9. Their faces are certainly full of character, very lifelike.

  10. I know what you mean Tanya, sometimes I Google my finger off without any results to show for it :) I do like this sculpture very much.

  11. The sculpture is awesome.

    I had a situation occur when I tried to Google Norton. The site I thought was official was a scamming site, and after they took over my computer remotely, they did some damage. To MY BRAND NEW COMPUTER!!! Then tried to sell me an indepth "fix" session. I finally got it all sorted out, and back to normal, but it was HELL for about two hours while all this was going on. I came away from that debacle feeling like I can't trust anything that pops up when you Google...a little gun-shy, as they say. :-( There's something else now happening that I will be posting about on my next Willy Nilly. Good Grief, Charlie Brown!


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