
Friday, October 9, 2015

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 56

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This week's Willy Nilly I'm going to show you some recent sights around town:
Is this really how you want people to know you? (hoe?)

Always a good thing to know.

She must drink a lot of coke!

I hug mine every day :)

I like spaghetti!

PS: On a sidenote, a couple of people commented about the town of Troutville yesterday and yes, I've always thought it was a strange sounding town so I had to find out why, why is it called Troutville? Well, way back when, there were 3 houses, occupied by 3 brothers with the last name of Trout. So they decided to call the area Troutsville....later, the "s" was dropped and the name changed to there you have it! ;)

Well folks, that's it for me this week! Now it's your turn, post 5 randoms, link back here and visit others! Have a great weekend :)


  1. That's a fine array of number plates, certainly a good way to pass the time on a long drive... have a great weekend!

  2. Oh the Jeep with the HUGAK9 is awesome. Hug B (That does not mean that hug I just gave you was that:) Hug B

  3. Great finds, and thanks on the town name info. Have a lovely weekend ahead.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. The yellow plate struck me as odd... must be a customized version. I can't recall the last time I've seen Virginia plates up here.

  5. รด foof, I hope this doesn't appear twice, as an old Emergency Room nurse I like the 'knowcpr' but do LOVE the hugak9- fun willy nilly Friday.

  6. We've lived here for thirteen years and we've always wondered about the name 'Troutville'. We assumed it referred to some good fishing somewhere. : ) Thanks for this tidbit of information!

  7. Lots of funny plates. We don't get so many like that here. :)

  8. I'll keep it short and simple.
    I detest 'teabaggers' and every livin' thing they stand for!
    There... have a fantastic weekend.

  9. Nice post, Tanya. I took some photos of cool license plates last year but never did anything with the photos. I should show a collection some day.

  10. Love all the funny license plates. By the way, we have a suburb of Portland, OR that is named Troutdale.

  11. It's always fun to see interesting license plates. I love clever church signs too! As always, a delight to join in...thanks again for a fun meme!


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