
Monday, February 15, 2016

Through My Lens - A Peaceful Protest

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The old kitchen at Greenfield...

Some of you might recall that Greenfield is one of my favorite places here in Botetourt County. I've blogged about it on several occasions HERE

On this hill, sits slave cabins and this old kitchen. We moved here in 2008 and I had heard the county had planned on restoring the old buildings...some day...I never saw anything take place until just recently, very sneakily I might add that the Board of Supervisors have taken it upon themselves to decide to move the buildings and level the hill that they have sat on for nearly 200 years. For what you might ask? To build a shell building for a prospective business to come in and rent...some day...

Anyways, thank goodness for a few good people of Botetourt who don't want this to happen (count me in that camp) and have caused quite a commotion. They are trying to have this fight heard nationally. Sunday they staged a "Peaceful Protest" to save the buildings and keep them right where they belong, on that hill. I am happy to say that I, along with my boys were there to be part of this...

We had just arrived and I was surprised by the long line of cars that turned out!

You can see here the "Jeffersonian Terraces" where they planted their food crops way back when...

A couple of local news stations showed up...

This man, Linnie Gregory was in charge and has worked tirelessly at fighting for these buildings/hill.
This woman is Shirley Lewis. She is a descendant of slaves who lived here.

This Pastor came and blessed the land and us.

It literally makes my heart ache to see this. This is the first time I have been back to Greenfield upon hearing about the moving of the buildings. I just couldn't bring myself to see it like this.

Please visit Friends of Greenfield Plantation's Facebook Page for more info on what is happening and to keep in the loop. Please like the page while you are there. You can also follow them on Twitter

Watch this moving video:

For the rest of the week I am going to post pics from my archives of this beautiful spot and hopefully it will be preserved, right where it's history took place.

Linking with Mersad's Through My Lens

On a funny note:
Upon arriving at the protest, Dalton said "You don't have a peaceful protest. You go to whoever is in charge and say: "Hey, take that off of there and put it back where it was!" That child cracks me up! Wish it were so easy!


  1. ACK! That makes me so sad. I hate that we teardown, or move our history so much here in the US. What a sad day.

    Visiting from Through My Lens

    Lisa @ LTTL (

  2. Pwer to the people, I hope you win through

  3. More power to you! It seems that our politicians, especially those of one particular stripe, just don't give a damn about regular folks, but mostly or only about the high and mighty who, of course, give them funds which allow them to stay in office. I hope you cause wins!

  4. Incredible that a Board of Supervisors can decide to do something like that without any input from the people who live around there. Peaceful protests will get it more media attention and hopefully people get a chance to air there displeasure with the board. Go get them!

    1. and the most disturbing thing is that so many people have emailed them and called them over this and they refuse to answer. very unsettling!

  5. Keep us updated. History, matters. Progress does, too. But once history is gone, we can't put it back!


  6. Nice blog about that, Tanya. I know you've taken lots of photos of the place since you've been here.

  7. Good for you people to stop this change.
    Shame on the Board of Supervisors to try to move this historic building, in the name of some new commercial property. Fight the good fight.
    I wish you luck.

  8. I wish you all the luck in the world. Like they say the wheel that squeaks the loudest gets the grease! So keep on keeping on with the fight. More power to the people, save the buildings in Greenfield!

  9. That is so shocking. I do hope that the protest succeeds in saving the hill.

  10. Always for business and money! I hope too it stays...

  11. That's too bad. Those are some fantastic buildings! Progress is not always beneficial.

  12. I do hope the protests succeed in keeping things the way they should be. I'm applauding you, your boys and all the other people who are involved. All too often the power of money seems to win out. Keeping my fingers crossed that this time it doesn't.

  13. Good for you and your boys Tanya!

  14. I always want to see the history preserved.

  15. Good for you making the effort to be heard. If no one shows up, or shows interest, they have a free pass to do as they wish. I like your son's take on the situation.

  16. Good luck! And bless Mrs. Lewis, she must have mixed feelings about all this.

  17. Hope, it will be successful, good luck!

  18. Interesting post! Power to the people!

  19. such a beautiful place, wish all of you so much power !!!

  20. Yay to people power! That was a good turnout Tanya, well done you all. The old cabins and kitchen have to be saved, it would be a desecration if they were removed to make way for ... what! Some useless building that may or may not be used ! Shockers!!

  21. Yay to people power! That was a good turnout Tanya, well done you all. The old cabins and kitchen have to be saved, it would be a desecration if they were removed to make way for ... what! Some useless building that may or may not be used ! Shockers!!

  22. Hope the protests will make an impact!

  23. The history must be preserved! I hope that many will turn out to fight against the efforts of a few who want to destroy it in the name of progress. History over progress every time!

  24. The Board of Supervisors needs a slap upside the head for such stupidity. Keep up the pressure!

  25. Your story is amazing and so are your pictures!

  26. Wow Tanya, that was both fascinating and heart-breaking.
    Your photo's and video really capture the imagination.
    I get so mad about someone just dreaming up a plan to change sometimes for change sake... history should be preserved! Especially sites like this one. It will be tragic if they get there way. What is wrong with these people. They know they are in the wrong if they're not even willing to talk to you all.
    Good luck on your mission. I wish you all the best... and bless your boys for being passionate protesters too.

  27. This is so upsetting! Botetourt Co. needs to find the money to restore these beautiful old buildings, and open them up to historic interpretation...and they need to stay on that hill. I'm with Dalton! Let's tell them to STOP! Nothing upsets me more, or has ever upset me more than the loss of history. It has broken my heart to see important structures let go to ruin, be torn down, and built over top of. It is such a sore spot with me. Wish I could have been there at the protest with you!


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)