
Friday, February 5, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 70

click on photo to enlarge
The restroom @ Benny's Pizza downtown

I've got more on Farmville for next week but I'm running late in getting Willy Nilly going here's my 5:

1) A little weirdness: Slashed & Hidden From Sight: The Power of Cursed Paintings

2) I was always self conscious about my freckles as a kid: Photographer Captures the Beauty of Freckles in All Their Glory

3) I made this the other night and it was deeeeelish! Spice Rubbed Chicken Breast & Moroccan Herb Dressing

4) 100 Best Photographs Without Photoshop

5) Interesting to learn where phrases come from: Have You Ever Heard The Term Piss Poor?

Well that's my 5 for the week and I'm getting them in just right under the wire! I hope you will play along too! List 5 randoms, link up and visit others! Thanks so much and have a great weekend!!

Linking with Cath!

Friday Favorites


  1. that one picture of the mother during to depression is an iconic image!

  2. Great post Tanya. An interesting image and great links.

  3. No Police state... sigh! Here with us they cry for more police - - -
    Interesting about paintings, art and madness often are going nearby...
    As a child I had a freckled girl-friens, she was onliest true friend in my life...later, in the dictatorship of the GDR, she married a spy and friendship broke :-(
    Have a great weekend

  4. Good Morning, Tanya. It's another wet morning here. Love the Five stuff. That's about the only meme I do anymore. Just a hello from eastern Virginia today and hoping you have sunnier skies than we do. Thanks for this fun time on Friday. I always look forward to it.

  5. my birth mother used the term "piss poor' - i wonder if she had any idea about the origin of the phrase . . hmm . .
    those first paintings were scary . . . the 100 photos captured my attention for a loooong time . . (wow) . . yeppers, kids pick on differences, makes us uncomfortable . . those freckle photos are awesome . . . Hope you enjoy a swell week . . love & love, -g-

  6. So many things to link to, so I'll have to come back later! I did check out the last one, and can't imagine what folks have to do to survive.

  7. I love that one link to the photos...I was always self-conscious of my freckles, too.

  8. no one wants a police state! Instead of tea, I threw coffee in the arctic air when we lived in Fairbanks. It was -50 below and it didn't make it to the ground :)

  9. Hello Tanya...very interesting random links....I really enjoyed #5...since I often wonder about how such things came to be said or how we figured out how to make bread, cure bacon...etc. Thanks for linking up to FUN FRIDAY FAVOURITES and I appreciate the link back Cxx

  10. I love Photoshop! BUT I also believe in honoring those who can produce wonderful photography without it. It makes it hard, not knowing what is real and what is "photoshopped" in our world these days. As for those paintings...first of all, I guess anyone who lost his mind looking at a painting was already unhinged! :-) But, the Franklin expedition's exquisitely done! BUT there's such a thing as TIMING....I mean, Franklin's widow saw it!? And it's really in poor taste. But, Canada not-withstanding, I suppose it is an expression of the artist's "first amendment" rights. Better to put his talents toward something less offensive, though. Loved your photo of the window sill...ahem. :-)

    Sorry to everyone (including you) for my late responses to the meme...had our daughter here yesterday for a while, got groceries, then p/up the grandson to come spend the night. He had control of my computer till late. :-) But I'll get caught up. Hope you have a great week!

  11. Interesting graffiti, love the red bricks...

  12. I wonder what that writing means, "No Police Station."

  13. Well, that is an interesting message on the window.

  14. Yes, I have heard that term, but it's been a long time. #3, recipe, I misread that as rubber chicken! I think my eyes need a break from reading.


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