
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday's Treasures - Melody Haven

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Melody Haven . 122 Church Avenue SW . Roanoke
Read about the history of this little music store Right Here's pretty interesting!
Linking with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures


  1. The old place is still good looking and well maintained. Have a wonderful day!

  2. The neon chello or stand up base or whatever it is, is neat. I'm not good with naming it, lol. Not many places like that around anymore.

  3. Music has always been a treasure of my life and these old time music stores are a wonderful find. We have several in this area. Thanks Tanya for joining this week and I hope to see you soon,

  4. Founded in 1934...very interesting and a treasure for sure.

  5. Hi Tanya...i am not sure but i think the church owns that land .....or perhaps they are just "trustees"of they handle the rental of the grounds for weddings i believe. As i mentioned---the mosquitoes there were really bad and if you rent the church/grounds it includes the fee of spraying so that that is not a problem. Its a beautiful location for a wedding---and very popular. I can see both sides of that as its lovely and has such a sense of history and makes for gorgeous photography. On the othet hand...its a cemetery as well and should we let it be a quiet place for the buried to rest in peace? Thoughts?

  6. It's a great name for the store.

  7. Yes, that is an interesting history, thanks for sharing.


  8. It is a treasure that this old store still exists. Name and neon sign are great.

  9. What an unique and interesting store - I would like to buy a piano...

  10. I didn't know it was still open. I thought it closed some time ago. It's been around a long time.

  11. Your little slice of YOUR world is always so welcoming in mine.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)