
Friday, July 8, 2016

Willy Nilly Friday 5 No. 88

click on photo to enlarge
Sunset at Las Brisas Resort, Ixtapa, Mexico

Here we go!

1) If you didn't know, I'm back! For a brief update, Nick and I went to Ixtapa Mexico for a week. For a longer update, check Tuesday's post!

2) On the plane ride home I watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2...Oh my gosh, it was hilarious. I had my ear buds in and I kept literally lol'ing. Nick kept looking over at me like I was cuckoo!

3) On Wednesday I went grocery shopping. I have had a sore throat since coming back home from Mexico but by the time I was finished shopping I was feeling really bad. Run down and my muscles were aching. I took a few Airborne tablets Wed/Thursday and am now starting to feel much better...still have a bit of a headache but hopefully that will be gone when I wake up in the morning.

4) Since I wasn't feeling well I made a pot of this Detox Soup's really good...full of yummy veggies: carrots, celery, turnips, kale, tomatoes, cilantro,'s one of my favorite soups!

5) On Tuesday I took the kids to see Finding was so cute! We really liked it. Nick had rented Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot so we watched that later that night. That was also really good. It was based off a true story about a reporter, Kim Barker, who is bored with her life/career and decides to take an assignment in Afghanistan. Such courage!

Well that's my 5 this week, short and sweet! I've got to run off to bed and get some more rest so hopefully I can wake up and feel 100% again!

I hope you will play along too! Post 5 randoms, link back and visit others! Have a great weekend!


  1. Absolutely gorgeous picture! The sun going down, shining gold on the sand, just a hint of a wave. I hope you feel back to normal in the morning! I have been wondering about Airbourne. I can't wait to see Dory!

  2. A beautiful ending to the day!

  3. Will try that soup, should be good even for healthy people.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. Tried to enter Willy Nilly five but there wasn't a linky for me to. Maybe I can access you through google+ which I did the last time I entered. Sorry. Don't know what is going on.

    1. Sometimes it is there and sometimes not...I have noticed it on other blogs too so not sure if it is a problem with blogger or the linky...just hoping it works itself out!

  5. Lucky you -- getting away to a beautiful spot for a whole week! The soup sounds wonderful. Hope you are feeling better. Thanks for hosting! Have a lovely week.

  6. What a wonderful trip! I love the had to have made some incredible memories! Can't wait to see more. Sorry you aren't feeling well. I love Airborne and zinc lozenges...they ward off a lot of ills! Will have to try your Detox Soup. Haven't seen WTF yet but plan to. Hope you feel better soon!

  7. Perhaps you might want to slow down...hmmm...look around you, quietly take in the sights and sounds, allow your body to be wrapped in a nice leather recliner, turn off the TV, and close your eyes. Now...when you wake up, have some more soup and look again at this beautiful sunset.

    Don't you feel better?

  8. Beautiful sunset! PhotoFriday is doing a Golden theme this week and that would fit right in.

  9. Lovely photo. I'm sure you'll have great memories every time you look at it. Hope you're all better soon.


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