
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Mail Box

click on photo to enlarge
Bedford Historical Slave Foundation . Bedford

Walking around Bedford a couple of weeks ago we walked past the Historical Slave Foundation which I've shown you HERE before...I walked up to the door to see if there had been any progress when I noticed this neat old mail box :)

Linking with Tuesday's Treasures

I know I was supposed to show more on the old school but haven't had a chance to look it up yet so maybe next week!


  1. I really like this. Something about lines and light.......

  2. It is neat, Tanya. Like your photograph of it.

  3. Growing up, most of the houses I knew had this kind of mailbox. Some had slots in the door. The downside of them is that they're rather small. The golf clubs I order on line won't fit. :)

  4. I remember this style mailbox, how neat. Thanks Tanya for stopping by, I hope to see you back again.

  5. So it is in an old church. It is a wonderful thing they are doing! Trying to unearth (no pun intended) the names and dates of those graves.

  6. A lovely photo, shades and light playing together.


  7. Nice composition. My husband owns an old mailbox similar to that one. It belonged to the house he grew up in.

  8. Great phoo in colors and shadowplay.
    My own mailbox isn't never, but well, it's still working.

  9. Looks like they have mail ☺ nice shadow shot Tanya.

  10. Very nice piece of vintage Americana. Makes a great photo, too.


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