
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Nature Takes Over

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Hickory . NC

While wandering around the property at Murray's Mill we came across this old bridge and truck. The bridge had been moved to be replaced by a new one. I guess this spot looked as good as any to trash it but I have to admit I was pretty excited to run across it! ;)

“I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anybody could ever want.”
― Andy Warhol

Linking up with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures


  1. ...natures tends to reclaim it's own! Great shots, Tanya. Thanks for stopping by, please come again.

  2. Interesting---good but also not so good. As in dumping stuff I mean.

  3. It's a bad thing to dump this out in the middle of nowhere, though it does show that nature outdoes humanity in the long run.

  4. I don't particularly care for the dumping of these items...I bet the bridge could have been recycled, or something. Oh's done now and nature will take it.

  5. I would be excited too. ⸜(ّᶿധّᶿ)⸝

  6. I agree with all the above comments. Mother Nature is not very motherly sometimes and will, indeed, eat her own!

  7. Goodness! I wonder why people are putting old metal in this particular place! Well, I sure love the quote you chose to go along with it. It does make a certain kind of art,especially pictures one and two. Rust never sleeps, does it?

  8. Those old bridges have been reused around here in parks on walking and bike paths. That is a great use for them. That pickup truck does not look that old to me, but I know it is about 40 years old and perhaps worn out. Time to recycle it.

  9. Who dumps a bridge? My goodness, that metal is worth something! (The truck too.)

  10. Wow ! Avrebbero dovuto portar via i rifiuti urbani...

  11. I once read a description of cities being completely covered by the natural world - the work was by Isabel Allende - she would share how cities disappeared, and every once in a great while, they could be discovered again by someone looking in just the right way . . every after I enjoy seeing how nature can claim - or reclaim a space like your photos . . always amazes me.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)