
Monday, July 3, 2017

Sunday At The Salem Fair

click on photo to enlarge
Salem Fair . Salem

This is the view from the top of the Ferris Wheel. I love the view from up here. Not a lot of people yet, probably too hot. It gets more crowded at night. The tall ride to the left is the Super Shot (if you click the link there are some videos you can watch of it if you don't know what it is). I always have to ride that one at least once, which we did. After we got our fill of rides we let the boys stay and we went home, chilled for a bit, went out for dinner then went back and got the boys. It was a nice day :)

Linking up with Mersad's Through My Lens & Mascha's Weekend Green


  1. Fun! Fun!
    When I enlarged it I noticed that pink seems to be the predominate color - interesting
    Happy 4th!

  2. ...fairs are alway such fun...Happy 4th.

  3. Excellent view from the top of the Ferris Wheel.

  4. We tended to have fairs like this in the fall when I was growing up. I imagine they're still going on back in the old hometown.

  5. Are you mad Tanya! The supershot.. really 😀😀

  6. You had a great plan. Wow, I love this high view of the fair! You are a BRAVE woman!! Just looking at the picture makes me a bit nauseous. More power to you, you know how to have f-u-n.

  7. Hi Tanya, great view from the top of the ferris wheel. Sounds like you had a fun time. Last time I was on a ferris wheel was here in Bull Run a few years back. It was great fun but on a very cold chilly night.

  8. What a great shot from the ferris wheel. I love all that colour down below, festive and fun. Have a wonderful 4th, Tanya.

  9. The fair is very colourful. I like that it is not too crowded.


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