
Monday, August 28, 2017

Limit 6

click on photo to enlarge

Limit 6 Trout Team

Saw this colorful truck along the Roanoke River this past spring...they must have been fishing! Anytime my oldest son has some free time you can find him on a river or lake fishing...he prefers Bass though.

Sorry I wasn't around Friday for Willy Nilly...Some unpleasant distractions came up and I hope we are done with that and it is smooth sailing for all involved here on out...

If you live in the Tx flooding area, I hope you are safe...just terrible what is happening :(

Linking up with Monday Murals


  1. Great mural on the side of this truck!
    Hope you have a great week!

  2. Love the fish! Makes me want to go cast a line.

  3. A fish truck! The fish looks like Rainbow Trout, and it looks like they are advertising a website. I hope your distractions were just that, and no more.

  4. I wondered where you got off to, but I am glad you are all ok. Have a wonderful week!

  5. Like a fish, I just had to bite! "Limit 6 Trout Team was created to be a place for fishermen and women of all types and stages to come and learn a little bit about the trout scene in beautiful southwest Virginia."

  6. Do trout really have that bright pink stripe? I hope so. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


Hi! I'm so happy you've stopped by and always enjoy your comments :)