
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Boats on the Water

click on photo to enlarge

Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina

“It's when you smell the breeze; taste the salt and feel the waves beneath your feet that you truly know that you are alive.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Today I am thankful for chirping birds. Every morning there is one kind of bird (I'm not a knower of birds so I don't know what it is) that just chirps away and for some reason this certain bird takes me back to being a kid at my grandparents house. So every morning I have this sweet, nostalgic memory of happy times spent at Grandpa and Grandmas...funny isn't it what triggers a memory?

Linking up with Michelle's Thankful Thursday

Have a great day!


  1. Hello, I love listening to the birds early in the morning. Sweet memory! Love the scene and photo, very pretty. Happy Thankful Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. Tanya I was just thinking this morning at sun up when I woke to the sound of birds waking up too how lucky I was, especially being able to stay in bed and doze for a while πŸ˜€

  3. How sweet Tanya! I have a bird feeder near my bedroom window, so the birds usually wake me up when they are having their breakfast. That is a beautiful photo!

  4. Such a relaxing photo. I love to take a ride in our boat and just enjoy the watching the water and viewing the birds.

  5. What a gorgeous, peaceful picture! There is no better way to awaken than to birds singing! And even better when they bring such a sweet memory.

  6. I have enjoyed similar seaside scenes this summer! Just lovely!

  7. Love that the bird bins back memories for you! Great photo too.

  8. A pretty scene!
    Hope you are having a beautiful week!

  9. I love those kind of triggers. Sweet memories are the best. Thanks for linking up today. Hope you have the best weekend!

  10. Yes I love those memories! I love to hear birds chirp and I am not a knower of birds either lol

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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