
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Black & White Wednesday

click on photo to enlarge

1514 Grandin Rd SW . Roanoke

"I loved growing up in a little town. I loved knowing people. I loved going to the store and running into people. I loved going into the store and having forgotten my bag, saying, 'Charge it, put it on my bill.' I loved going to the gas station and saying, 'Pete, fill it up.' I loved that continuity of life." Sissy Spacek


  1. Texaco is an old name.

  2. I grew up in a variety of places, big and small, but I know just what Ms. Spacek is talking about. Those were the "good ol' days." They weren't so good for some people but I remember them well and sometimes wish we could return to them.

  3. A throw back to the past. Well suited to black and white.

  4. Excellent black and white Tanya. Growing up in small towns has it's advantages and it's disadvantages 😀

  5. Did you know that Sissy Spaceck lives only a half hour away from us, in Charlottesville? I love this picture. Are there even any Texacos anymore? They do not seem to be around as much.

  6. A classic b&w photo and gas station. We had one of these type gas stations, they seem to be style that was around years ago. Nice shot, Tanya.

  7. So neat to see a gas station like they used to be. I loved the small town for the same reasons

  8. I still stop and tell the man to fill it up! Gotta love small town life.

  9. Real service stations are rapidly disappearing as your fine photo shows. Perfect subject for b&w.

  10. Great quote: great gas station photo!



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