
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

1905 Farmhouse

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4890 Mountain Pass Road . Troutville

I drive past this old farmhouse daily...there used to be people who lived here not too long ago but then I started noticing that it is vacant the past few months. Behind it is a newer "subdivision" with big shiny houses on bigger lots for folks that want that "country living" kind of life without all the hassles of country living I guess...I wonder if the land where the new houses are built once belonged to this farmhouse, which it probably did...I read on the Zillow description that the house and land were sold at auction...I'm worried now for this cute little old farmhouse...I hate to think that whoever bought the land to build would tear this place that holds so many memories down, but we've all seen that happen all to often so I stopped yesterday to take a picture just in many times I mean to take a picture of something and then it's gone before I take the time to do it :(

The view looking out from the front yard of the farmhouse...that's a treasure in itself!

HERE'S the Zillow page for the little house with pictures if you want to check it out!

Linking up with Tom's Tuesday's Treasures


  1. The house looks well maintained - just a little updating...
    and that view is priceless!

  2. What a great view!

    Developers in my experience don't give a damn about anything more than lining their pockets with more money.

  3. Oh MY! It is just wonderful! Looks like there is some kind of an addition on one side. I so hope that the people who bought this will fix it up to it's former beauty, and either rent or sell it to a good family. But sadly, it may become a Seven Eleven. Which are everywhere. But this sweet little house is a one of a kind.

  4. so many areas the land is worth more than the house. It's sad that new is so popular with so many folks. Thanks Tanya for stopping by, I hope that you sharing another treasure soon.

  5. Hopefully the house and maybe a small plot will be saved. Here in Stanwood with developments on farmland the old farm house is saved and sold on a lot.

  6. It is beautiful. I hope it survives!

  7. I love old farmhouses! I used to live in one and really miss it.

  8. Good point about taking a picture before the architectural thing of interest (in this case the farm house) gets knocked down. (Yes, we've all seen that happen with more frequency these days, it seems.) And the view from their front yard is stunning.


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